Stephanie McMahon
Photo by Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images for Netflix

Stephanie McMahon Working On New WWE Project (Updated)

Stephanie McMahon is getting back into the WWE fold with a new project. is reporting that McMahon is working on a new project for WWE. The untitled project was described as a pro wrestling equivalent to ESPN’s Peyton’s Places series. The ESPN show features Peyton Manning discussing key moments in NFL history with other NFL stars and personalities. 

The show will feature Stephanie reflecting on WWE’s biggest moments with other notable figures from the pro wrestling world. PWInsider reports that McMahon has already filmed content for the show and spoke with many names, including Cody Rhodes and Steve Austin. 

Stephanie’s new show is still in progress, and no timeline or release date was revealed. The project was announced during a WWE employee and talent town hall meeting on Wednesday. This meeting is also the same one where Triple H was surprised with a WWE Hall Of Fame induction announcement.  

Stephanie McMahon stepped down from her role as WWE Chairwoman and Co-CEO in January 2023. This coincided with her father, Vince McMahon, returning to the promotion. Vince has since stepped down due to the sexual assault allegations against him. 

Since that time, Stephanie has sporadically appeared on WWE programming. She was at WrestleMania 40, and has been shown on camera sitting ringside at other WWE events.

UPDATE: WWE has released the first trailer for “Stephanie’s Places” online. The series will premiere on ESPN+ in March:

Triple H: Stephanie McMahon Will Always Have A Passion For This

Stephanie McMahon will always have a passion for WWE, but she has enjoyed spending time with her children. Triple H was asked if Stephanie would return to WWE during an appearance on SI Media with Jimmy Traina.

“I would love to see her back. Here’s the thing with her. [She] stepped away. Our kids are at an age [with] one in college and over the next four years, the rest will be in college. We have three girls, so it’s a very formidable time. And a time for her where she’s really enjoying having some downtime. She’s busy, she has a lot of passions, and pediatric cancer is a big thing for her, she’s doing some stuff. She’s still up to speed on a lot of the stuff we’re doing and clearly has her takes and opinions on things and it’s wonderful when she can be around.”

“I think she’ll always have a passion for this,” he said. “Whether she decides to come in and do some stuff, I think she weighs that on her mind all the time. But it’s the, ‘I want to do that, but I don’t want to give up all this time with my kids that I never give back again.’ What’s that saying, you spend 80% of your time you’ll ever spend with your kids until they turn 18, and then it’s over. Very aware of that, and she’s enjoying her time with them, very much so. Giving that up would be a tough push for her right now, but again, you’ll see her again. Maybe at [WWE Raw on] Netflix.”

Read More: Cathy Kelley: It’s A Bit Of A Detriment That We Don’t Have Stephanie McMahon In WWE Full-Time Right Now

Stephanie McMahon’s most memorable moments: WWE Playlist

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