Trevor Lee believes his best has yet to come.
Lee recently spoke with WrestleZone about his pro wrestling career, which has included stops in TNA, WWE and MLW. The “Carolina Caveman” has gone “to the moon” as Cameron Grimes and enjoyed three reigns as TNA X Division Champion, among other accolades. But is there anything he would like fans to talk about more from his career?
Lee says fans might have a certain idea of how he wrestles from seeing him on TV, but he’s got a deeper and varied skill set that shines in his work on the indies.
Trevor Lee says you haven’t seen anything yet
“I wouldn’t actually say like people need to see this of me or do this for me, [because] I still feel like I have accomplished what I want to show,” Trevor Lee explained. “[But] it depends on what you want to see out of wrestling. If you go back and watch some of my indie stuff, I can give you more of that, that pure-style wrestling. Where, if that’s what you really like, then that’s what I would want you to see. My CWF Mid-Atlantic stuff, my Pro-Wrestling Guerrilla stuff, my AAW stuff in Chicago, then that’s what I want you to see.
“But then if you want more entertainment stuff, like my [WWE] feud with Dexter Lumis where we had the [Haunted House Of Terrors] match. That was a lot of fun. That [match is] the exact opposite of pure wrestling,” Lee continued. “You get to see the entertainment side, the acting side. And then the Ted DiBiase angle and LA Knight, that was a lot of fun as well, being able to show that side of it. So, it really just depends on what you want out of wrestling or what I would recommend to you. But, I still feel like my best work hasn’t been accomplished yet.”
Lee is not sure where it will happen, but remains confident the opportunity will happen soon.
“I don’t know if that is going to be in MLW. I don’t know if that’s going to be in TNA, AEW, WWE, but I just know that it will be coming soon.”