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AEW Donates $100K To Ashville, NC Hurricane Relief Following Fight For The Fallen

AEW Dynamite: Fight for the Fallen results in a huge donation to the city of Ashville.

Wednesday night, Dynamite emanated from Ashville, North Carolina for its Fight for the Fallen special. The theme of this event over the years is to help local cities and communities in need and this one was no different.

All Elite Wrestling took to social media this morning to announce that they have donated $100,000 to organizations on the frontlines for disaster efforts in Ashville, tweeting out:

“This past Wednesday, #AEW presented Fight for the Fallen as a benefit to bring awareness to those affected by Hurricane Helene in Asheville, North Carolina. In addition to donating $100k to organizations on the frontlines of disaster efforts, AEW hosted many of the staff, families, and first responders who are providing resources locally. To help support these ongoing efforts visit,” AEW said in a post.

READ MORE: Rated FTR Address Asheville Crowd After AEW Dynamite: Fight For The Fallen

What do you make of this overall announcement? Are you happy to see AEW donating so much money to Ashville for hurricane relief? Let us know your overall thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

Dax Harwood on Rated FTR plans, Fight For The Fallen, The Outrunners and Ricky Morton

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