mercedes moné
Photo Credit: AEW

Mercedes Moné Explains Her New Year’s Resolution

Mercedes Moné got a lot of recent attention over her New Year’s resolution for 2025.

At the end of the year, Moné told the New York Post her New Year’s resolution, stating the following:

“This new year, I want to continue to expand awareness and opportunities for female wrestlers and female athletes in general, globally.”

In the latest issue of the MonéMag, Mercedes Moné wrote about her New Year’s resolution and why she chose what she did.

“When my Advocate, Kev Undergaro, called saying the NY Post wanted a quote from the CEO regarding my New Year’s resolutions, I was caught off guard. My mind was in ten different places between the holidays, our PPV, and commitments. I just blurted out the first thing that came to mind,” Mercedes Moné wrote. “Other than wanting good health for my brother and my loved ones, I want the same thing I’ve wanted since becoming Mercedes Moné and the CEO. That is, to advance opportunities for women in wrestling and for women in all sports.

“AND I want to do it on a global level. Call me unoriginal, as that was pretty much my resolution last year. What I’m realizing with age and personal growth is that this is less a New Year’s resolution and more a life’s mission (at least for this period of my life). 

“I want to see a day when women who main event shows, garnering the same ratings, ticket sales, etc, receive pay, treatment, and consideration equal to the men. And again, I want this for all female athletes in all sports they compete in. If it has to start with pro wrestling, then so be it.

“In addition, I want to see all female athletes leverage their fame toward more financial and creative opportunities. I want their dreams to continue into their later years beyond their field of play. I want to see them become entrepreneurs, leaders, role models, and advocates. In short, I want to see more female athletes be the CEO of their own lives.

“I won’t be able to make the changes and improvements for women in sports in a year. It may take ten years. It may take a lifetime. But it is my passion and a resolution I intend to continue to honor.” 

READ MORE: Mina Shirakawa Has Long Dreamed Of Wrestling Mercedes Moné

What do you make of Mercedes Moné’s comments? Do you think her New Year’s resolution is realistic in 2025? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.