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WWE SmackDown Results: Review, Grades, Card For December 6

Our WWE SmackDown results for tonight include Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes kicking off the show, the WWE Women’s United States Title Tournament continuing when Naomi battles Tiffany Stratton and Elektra Lopez in a triple threat match, and Motor City Machin Guns defending the WWE Tag Team Championship against The Street Profits. Here’s our review and grades for tonight’s show, live from Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

WWE SmackDown Card:

  • Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes Kicks off the Show
  • WWE Women’s United States Title Tournament: Naomi vs. Tiffany Stratton vs. Elektra Lopez
  • WWE Tag Team Championship: Motor City Machin Guns (c) vs. The Street Profits

WWE SmackDown Results:

While entering the arena, Solo Sikoa pushes past Apollo Crews. Crews asks Sikoa if he saw him standing there. A foot comes out of stage right and boots Crews in the face. It’s Jacob Fatu. Fatu and Tama Tonga beat up a few security guards who tried to stop the beatdown on Crews.

The American Nightmare has Arrived

Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes asks the crowd what they want to talk about. Rhodes reminds the crowd of the history behind Saturday Night’s Main Event. Rhodes mentioned his opponent, Kevin Owens, but he’s quickly interrupted by Chad Gable and the rest of American Made. Gable says he’s the greatest athlete to come out of Minneapolis, and he’s here because the transfer window is about to open, and SmackDown GM Nick Aldis wanted to give American Made a look. Gable says he used to see Rhodes as an inspiration, but Rhodes is a terrible friend.

Owens is clearly a good friend, and Rhodes isn’t who Gable thought he was. Gable says Rhodes is the definition of superficial. All Rhodes cares about is what makes him look good. Whatever Rhodes has coming to him, Gable thinks he deserves it. Rhodes says Gable reminds him of himself. Rhodes notes that they both took crap and made it gold. Gable used to be Shorty G, and Rhodes used to be Stardust. If Gable thinks he has nothing to lose, but he has the most to lose.

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What happens if Gable fails again? Will Gable take it out on the rest of American Made? Gable cuts Rhodes off. Gable yells that if he didn’t have this suit on, he’d whip Rhodes’ ass. Rhodes laughs and tells Gable to lace up his boots to go one-on-one with Rhodes tonight. Before Rhodes walks away, he notes that he’s got Kevin Owens on his mind, and that’s not good for Gable.

Grade: B

This was a good opening segment. Rhodes didn’t have enough time in there alone to get too stagey with his delivery. Sometimes, the guy sounds like he’s doing Shakespeare in the Park, but this was fine. Gable has come leaps in bounds when it comes to cutting promos. Gable will never escape ‘Shorty G,’ but if he uses that as fuel like Rhodes does with the Stardust stuff, he may finally get over the hump… not here, not with Rhodes, but at some point.

Backstage, Piper Niven and Chelsea Green attack Bianca Belair after she accuses Niven of being behind Jade Cargill‘s attack.

WWE Women’s United States Title Tournament: Naomi vs. Tiffany Stratton vs. Elektra Lopez

Lopez tosses Naomi out of the ring. Stratton attacks from behind but gets dumped by Lopez. Lopez dominates most of the match, keeping Naomi out of the ring. Stratton lands a handspring elbow on Lopez. Naomi almost falls off the top while setting up a springboard. Naomi lands the Bubba bomb, but Stratton breaks up the pin. Double springboard stunner by Naomi. Stratton lands a nasty double stomp on the apron to Naomi. Everyone trades pin attempts. Naomi almost hits her moonsault, but Candice LeRae runs down to ringside to cause a distraction. Stratton hits the Prettiest Moonsault Ever on Lopez for the win.

Winner- Tiffany Stratton

Grade: D+

No matter how much this writer likes each person in the match, that doesn’t change the fact that this match was a bit of a sloppy mess with an obvious winner. Totally passable.

Bianca Belair vs. Piper Niven w/Chelsea Green

Belair skips to the ring, holding her injured ribs. Belair tries to lift Niven, but it ends poorly. Niven flattens Belair with a low crossbody. Niven only gets a two count. Belair struggles to get to her feet as Niven continues her assault. Belair runs into a Boss Man Slam from Niven after a distraction from Green. After the break, Niven crushes Belair with two sentons in a row. Niven is punishing Belair’s ribs. Bear hug by Niven. Belair fights out of the hold.

Niven stops Belair’s flurry with a headbutt. Niven picks up Belair. Belair counters with a sleeper. Niven tosses Belair to the mat. Belair narrowly avoids a splash from Niven. Belair slams Niven’s head into one turnbuckle to the other. Niven falls to the mat. Belair hits a beautiful crossbody off the top but hurts herself in the process. She only manages a two-count. Belair cuts Niven in half with a spear. Niven kicks out!

Read More: Jesse Ventura Attends 12/6 WWE SmackDown

Belair tries the KOD, but she can’t get Niven up. Niven obliterates Belair with a Backdrop Driver that would have made Takeshi Morishima blush. Niven tries a corner splash. Belair counters with a spinebuster. Niven responds with a powerbomb. Belair kicks out. Green gets on the apron. Belair tosses Green into the ring, pulls Niven off the top, and drops Niven with a KOD on top of Green. Belair pins Niven.

Winner- Bianca Belair

Grade: B+

Niven and Belair have fought many times and have great chemistry. This match was no different. For the first time, Belair had an injury heading into this match, which gives Niven an advantage she hasn’t had when battling the EST in the past. Instead of impressing us with her power, Belair used her speed and slowly built to a power spot finish. The night isn’t over, but this is the match of the night, period. Go out of your way to watch this one.

Dark Nakamura is Here!

The new United States Champion, Shinsuke Nakamura, is in the ring. Before Nakamura can say anything, LA Knight interrupts. Knight complains about losing the championship. Knight wants his rematch right here, right now. Andrade stomps to the ring and says he wants Nakamura. The Outlaw Bloodline appears out of nowhere and attacks Andrade and Knight.

Nakamura gets surrounded and starts to slowly spew black mist. Sikoa tells Fatu and Tonga to back off. Nakamura rolls out. Sikoa grabs a mic and says if anyone thought the Bloodline was done, think again. People will start taking him seriously. Sikoa may be down two soldiers, but they are stronger than ever. If anyone wants to step up, they will do the same thing everyone else will do: acknowledge him.

Grade: B-

LA Knight is fine and all, but is anyone else tired of him constantly complaining? He has to be the most heel-babyface working today. This segment took a turn from a throwaway segment of Knight whining and ending up getting misted again (Knight flailing around covered in the mist is always a fun watch, but meh) to Sikoa cutting a good promo restating his goals after a huge loss. The ending saved this segment, for sure.

WWE Tag Team Championship: Motor City Machin Guns (c) vs. #DIY

Ciampa attacks Sabin as soon as the bell rings. Ciampa yells at Gargano that this is what they need to do. Sabin and Shelley double team Ciampa. Ciampa tags in Gargano. Ciampa holds Shelley and tells Gargano to hit him. Gargano grabs an arm and works a wrestling hold instead. Ciampa angrily tags himself back in. Sabin and Shelley smash Ciampa with a double PK on the apron. After the break, Ciampa accidentally boots Gargano off the apron. Ciampa calls Gargano stupid as Gargano is out on the floor.

Shelley and Sabin unload on Ciampa with a flurry of offense but can’t keep him down. Ciampa tosses Shelley out of the ring and tells Gargano to attack him. Gargano and Ciampa argue. Gargano pushes Ciampa. Ciampa says he’s done. Ciampa grabs a chair. As the referee is distracted with Ciampa, Gargano low blows Sabin. Shelley is shocked. Gargano superkicks Shelley. Gargano and Ciampa embrace. #DIY hits Meet in the Middle for the win.

Winners and NEW WWE Tag Team Champions: #DIY

Grade: B

They had this writer fooled. Well done. This is the second time this week we got faked out by what was “obviously” going to be a tag team breakup. First, the New Day, and now this. Heel #DIY is something we haven’t seen before, and breaking away from convention is the only way to make what’s old new again. Also, there is a strong possibility that all of this ends with The Street Profits finally winning the tag titles again, so sign this writer up.

Rental Car Confessions

Michael Cole goes out to the parking lot to speak with Kevin Owens. Owens still refuses to come into the arena. Owens tells Cole to get in the car. Cole is hesitant but does. Owens rants about Cole not having his back. Cole tells Owens that this is all his fault. Owens kicks Cole out of his car. Owens calls Cole to come back just to roll the window up in his face.

Grade: B

Ok… this was the most random, out-of-place interview ever- but it was weirdly amazing. Kevin Owens is leaning in pretty hard with his Captain Gaslight gimmick. Owens is 100% right about Rhdoes, and it’s hysterical that everyone is trying to make him think he’s crazy. The fact that Cole laid all of this at Owens’ feet just proves Owens’ point. Amazing stuff.

Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes vs. Chad Gable w/American Made

Rhodes is in control early. Nile hops on the apron to distract Rhodes. Gable attacks Rhodes’ knee. Gable slams Rhodes’ ankle into the ring post. After the break, Gable continues his assault. Gable goes up top. Rhodes cuts Gable off and hits an inverted superplex. Rhodes hops around on one leg while kicking Gable’s butt. Powerslamn followed by a disaster kick by Rhodes.

Gable tries the Chaos Theory, but Rhodes hooks the ropes and hits the Cody Cutter. Julius Creed pulls Gable out of the ring. The referee ejects the rest of American Made from ringside. Gable takes Rhodes down and rips off his boot. Gable locks Rhodes in the ankle lock. Rhodes sends Gable into the turnbuckle. Super Cody Cutter by Rhodes. Rhodes sets up Crossroads. Gable counter with an ankle lock. Rhodes gets to the ropes. After a series of reversals, Rhodes finally hits Crossroads for the win.

Winner- Cody Rhodes

As Rhodes clutches his ankle. Kevin Owens appears in the ring and stomps on Rhodes’ injured ankle. Rhodes and Owens brawl. Officials and referees try to separate both men. Owens rolls out of the ring. Rhodes lands a dive. Chaos ensues.

Grade: B

It’s Chad Gable vs. Cody Rhodes. The only reason this match didn’t get a higher grade is because it was too short. These two need a long-term program so they can cook.

WWE SmackDown Review:

This was a better-than-normal night, as most of the promos and backstage segments didn’t overstay their welcome and moved forward important storylines. One of the significant issues with this show is that they tend to be too promo-heavy; tonight wasn’t any different, the difference tonight being all of the promos were good to great. Match of the night was Bianca Belair vs. Piper Niven, with Cody Rhodes vs. Chad Gable as a close second. The one to skip is, unfortunately, the Women’s United States triple-threat match. If this was the old days, they would have been forced to go back to the ring and do the match again. The one benefit of having a taped show. What did you all think of the show tonight? Let us know in the comments!

Rating: B-

Read More: Title Match Set For 12/6 WWE SmackDown, Cody Rhodes Segment Announced

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