Francine WWE NXT
Photo Credit: WWE

Francine Discusses Appearance At NXT 2300, Says She Was Happy To Be Included

Former ECW star Francine appeared in the crowd at NXT’s 2300 Arena Show. She previously noted that she was supposed to have a more substantial role, and she has provided more details.

Speaking on GABBY AF, Francine discussed her appearance at NXT’s 2300 Arena event and how it came together.

“Super excited to be included. When I got the phone call, they had pitched the referee position. Because of my stomach [issues], I’ve had five abdominal surgeries. Three of them were to fix my abs because my kids were ten pounds and nine pounds, and my abdominal region wasn’t together, it was apart. I went in to have it repaired, and it wouldn’t stick. So they had to do it again the year after, didn’t work again.

“The third time, they put mesh to bind it. I have so much scar tissue that I could not get down to count in a timely manner, and I was telling them, look, I don’t want to look stupid or slow. This isn’t for me, I’m gonna have to decline. They were like, you could do something else. You’re booked, we’ll get back to you.”

Francine On Apologizing To Shawn Michaels

Francine then noted that two weeks went by, and she did not hear anything, so she just showed up at the venue. She was then pitched doing backstage interviewing, but she lost her voice. Francine also recalled apologizing to Shawn Michaels.

“I told them, if you don’t want me to come, I understand.’ They were like, ‘No, just come, we’ll do something with you.’ I got there super early, and one of the first people I saw was Shawn Michaels, and I just apologized profusely,” she said. “He’s just like, you can just stand there and look pretty, it’s fine. I was just like, ugh, what an opportunity blown.

“I could have done so much more, but I was just happy to have gotten the call, been included, and I did get to go out and cheer with the crowd. It was just a fun night, and just super happy to be included.” 

RELATED: Francine Says She Was Offered Guest Referee Role For NXT 2300


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