nxt halloween havoc 2024

WWE NXT Halloween Havoc Results: Review, Grades, Card For October 27

Our WWE NXT Halloween Havoc results for tonight include Andre Chase seeking vengeance against Ridge Holland in an ambulance match, Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer battling NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez & Cora Jade, NXT Women’s North American Championship Kelani Jordan defending against a member of Fatal Influence, Oba Femi challenges Tony D’Angelo for the NXT North American Championship in a Tables, Ladders, and Scares Match, and Trick Williams defending the NXT Championship against the former champion “All Ego” Ethan Page in a Devil’s Playground Match! Here’s our review and grades for tonight’s show, live from the GIANT Center in Hershey, PA.

WWE NXT Halloween Havoc Card:

  • WWE NXT Championship Devil’s Playground Match: Trick Williams (c) vs. Ethan Page
  • Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer vs. NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez & Cora Jade
  • Ambulance Match: Andre Chase vs. Ridge Holland
  • NXT Women’s North American Championship Match: Kelani Jordan (c) vs. a member of Fatal Influence (Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne, Jazmyn Nyx)
  • NXT North American Championship Tables, Ladders, and Scares Match: Tony D’Angelo (c) vs. Oba Femi

WWE NXT Halloween Havoc Results:

NXT North American Championship Tables, Ladders, and Scares Match: Tony D’Angelo (c) vs. Oba Femi

D’Angelo attacks Femi during the introductions. Spear by D’Angelo. Femi falls out of the ring. D’Angelo sends Femi into the ring post. D’Angelo spears Femi through the barricade. Femi isn’t moving. D’Angelo pulls a bunch of weapons from under the ring. Femi wacks D’Angelo with a chair. D’Angelo tosses a chair into Femi’s head. D’Angelo tries to pull Femi into the ring, but Femi slams a chair into his head. Femi chokeslams D’Angelo on a chair. D’Angelo kicks out. Femi tosses D’Angleo into a ladder. Femi drives D’Angelo into the apron with a spinebuster. D’Angelo is writhing in pain. Femi bodyslams D’Angelo on a ladder.

D’Angelo fires up. D’Angelo tries to spear Femi through a table, but Femi leaps clear over D’Angelo. D’Angelo turns around, and Femi hits a Cesaro-esqe roaring European uppercut that sends D’Angelo through the table! D’Angelo somehow kicks out. D’Angelo reaches for the crowbar, which he often hides in the ring steps, but it’s not there. Femi pulls the crowbar from the opposite corner. D’Angelo grabs a chair.

Read More: Tony D’Angelo Addresses His Storyline With Oba Femi’s Striking Similarities To ‘Rocky’

Femi swings the crowbar as D’Angelo blocks it with the chair. Femi clocks D’Angelo in the back of the head with the crowbar. D’Angelo screams as Femi works him over with the crowbar. D’Angelo backdrops Femi to counter a powerbomb attempt. Femi gets to his feet. D’Angelo hits him with a chair, then lands a belly-to-belly. Chokeslam by D’Angelo. Femi kicks out. D’Angelo brings another table into the ring. Femi lands an F5. D’Angelo lands awkwardly and clutches at his knee. Femi zip ties D’Angelo to the bottom rope. The Family runs down to ringside but is quickly dispatched by Femi.

Read More: Gigi Dolin Appears In Opening Video For NXT Halloween Havoc

Rizzo is in the ring checking on D’Angelo. Femi gets in the ring and backs Rizzo down. Rizzo picks up the crowbar. Femi snatches it from here. D’Angelo breaks the zip tie and spears Femi off the apron through a ladder! D’Angelo hits the ropes and eats a nasty lariat from Femi. Fall from Grace Powerbomb by Femi! Femi kicks out at 2.9! The Family hits the ring. Rizzo hits Femi with the crowbar. Stacks and Crusifino drop Femi with the Shatter Machine. D’Angelo puts Femi through a table with a spinebuster for the win!

Winner and STILL NXT North American Champion, Tony D’Angelo!

Grade: B+

What a match! These two guys tried to kill each other tonight. This writer wasn’t thrilled when D’Angelo beat Femi for the title; it felt like a wasted victory would have been more impactful for a rookie. That said, both men made the most of this. Femi is a beast, and after taking out the Family, he gave D’Angelo all the motivation he needed here tonight. D’Angelo hung with Femi tonight, and that is impressive. Surprisingly, the added messiness of the Family at the end of this match didn’t take away from what was a great, garbage-filled match. What do you all think is next for Femi? Who will be D’Angelo’s next challenger? Let us know in the comments!

Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer vs. NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez & Cora Jade

After Vaquer and Jade have an exchange. Perez tags in and gets in Vaquer’s face. Vaquer and Perez trade pin attempts and submission holds. Vaquer rolls Perez into her patented head scissor facebusters. Giulia tags in and double-teams Perez with Vaquer. Giulia trips Perez into a tiger feint kick by Vaquer. Giulia and Perez are legal. Perez and Giulia trade submission attempts. Giulia traps Perez in an STF. Jade rushes into the ring and gets rolled into a crossface by Vaquer. Both Perez and Jade get to the ropes.

Read More: Cora Jade Talks Pressure & Motivation Heading Into NXT Halloween Havoc

After a cheapshot by Jade, Perez takes over on Giulia. Jade and Perez work over Giulia. Giulia manages to tag in Vaquer. Vaquer clears the ring. Perez gets tied up in the ropes. Vaquer lands a nasty dragon screw. Giulia and Vaquer land stereo headbutts. Perez and Jade respond with stereo superkicks. Jade holds the ropes open, and Perez lands a dive. Jade follows that with a trust fall. Perez brings Vaquer back into the ring. Head scissors into a crossface by Perez. Vaquer breaks the hold.

Perez sends Vaquer flying with a rana off the top. Jade crushes Vaquer with a senton. Giulia breaks up the pin. Giulia drops Perez with a spinning Samoan driver. Jade and Perez set up a Doomsday Device. Giulia escapes and sends Jade flying with a Takeshi Morishima-style backdrop driver. Giulia sends Perez sailing through the air with a top rope butterfly suplex. Vaquer dives off the top with a spiral tap to Perez. Vaquer pins the champion!

Winners- Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer

Read More: Shawn Michaels: Giulia And Stephanie Vaquer Have ‘It’, They Are Ready To Take NXT By Storm

After the match, Zaria appears above the ring in the bird’s nest, looking down at Giulia and Vaquer.

Review: A

The technical wrestling display at the start of this match is the type of thing you show someone who has never watched wrestling before. All four women in the match showed what they were capable of, and it was so much fun to watch. WE NEED MORE OF THIS! Also… what’s with Delta doing her best Sting impression here? What’s going on there?

Ambulance Match: Andre Chase vs. Ridge Holland

Chase is wearing a Freddy Kruger-themed Chase U sweater. Chase attacks Holland as soon as the bell rings. Holland is sent out of the ring. Chase dives off the apron with a senton. Holland tosses Chase into the crowd. Chase dives off the barricade onto Holland. Chase tries to put Holland into the ambulance. Holland blocks it. Holland lawn darts Chase out on the floor. Holland tosses Chase into the ambulance. Chase blocks it and kicks his way out. Chase sprays Holland with a fire extinguisher. Holland suplexes Chase on the ramp. Holland works over Chase. Chase and Holland duel with kendo sticks.

Chase wins out and hits a Russian leg sweep with the kendo stick. Chase U stomps by Chase. Holland pulls up a part of the protective mat outside the ring. Chase reverses Holland’s powerbomb attempt into a back-body drop. Holland gets to his feet, and Chase rams the stretcher into him. Chase clears the commentary desk. Holland drives Chase into the ring apron. Holland sets up the Redeemer on the desk. Chase reverses it into an implant DDT. Holland isn’t moving. Chase puts Holland on the stretcher and starts to wheel him toward the ambulance.

Holland falls off the stretcher. Holland sends Chase into the ring steps. Chase is out. Holland puts Chase on the stretcher and drags him to the ambulance. Chase hits Holland with a pumpkin. Chase dives off the top of the ambulance and lands on Holland. Chase puts Holland in the ambulance. Holland and Chase struggle as Chase tries to close the door. Holland claws at Chase’s face and slams the door on his head. After a slingshot into the ambulance door, Holland hits the Redeemer on the floor. Holland sends Chase into the ambulance and closes the door to win.

Winner- Ridge Holland

Grade: C

Considering what we have seen tonight, any match would be hard-pressed not to feel like a bit of a letdown. This match is no different. We have already seen technical mastery in the women’s tag match, and we have already seen utter destruction in the North American Championship match. What can you do in an ambulance match, of all things? This match type always kinda sucks, but stack up on a card with a bunch of other no-DQ matches with fancy dresses on (every match tonight is just a no-DQ match with a twist). Holland and Chase were working hard, but this one seemed slow and less exciting than everything else.

NXT Women’s North American Championship Gauntlet Match: Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Fatal Influence (Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne, Jazmyn Nyx)

Jazymyn Nyx is up first. Jordan sends Nyx out of the ring. Asai moonsault by Jordan. Nyx pulls Jordan’s hair to take over. Nyx works over Jordan. Jordan fires up and lands a 450 splash for the pinfall.

Jacy Jayne is up next. Jayne attacks Jordan. Jordan sends Jayne out of the ring. Jordan lands a corkscrew dive. Overhead kick by Jordan. Jordan sets up her finish. Jayne crotches Jordan on the ropes. Jayne works over Jordan. Jordan gets a near fall after a knee trembler. After a series of reversals, Jordan gets the pin after a rolling prawn hold.

Fallon Henley is up next. Jayne blasts Jordan in the back of the head with an elbow strike. Henley runs down to the ring and tries to pin Jordan. Jordan kicks out. Jordan fires up. Henley and Jordan trade strikes. Jordan hits the One of a King Moonsault. Nyx hops up on the apron. Jordan desk Nxy. Jayne appears and gets decked by Jordan. Jordan tries another 450, but Henley gets her knees up. Henley lands a shining wizard and pins Jordan.

Winner and NEW NXT Women’s North American Champion, Fallon Henley!

After the match, Henley grabs a mic and says, statement made. The light dim, and Zaria’s music hits. Zaria appears behind Fatal Influence. Zaria destroys each member of Fatal Influence.

Grade: C+

Good match, but the issue here is the premise of the match itself. If Fatal Influence can’t beat Jordan in a gauntlet match, that team means absolutely nothing. They lose almost weekly and can’t beat a rookie champion after stomping her three matches in a row? I’m all for making Jordan look strong for the culture and all, but yikes. Forget Super Cena; it’s Super Kelani at that point. The funny thing is, the opposite happened. A member of Fatal Influence finally won something… and was immediately overshadowed by Zaria channeling every bit of black Air Force energy she could muster. Is anyone shocked?

WWE NXT Championship Devil’s Playground Match: Trick Williams (c) vs. Ethan Page

This match is anything goes and falls count anywhere.

Before the bell rings, Page attacks Williams from behind. Page crushes Williams with a running knee in the corner. Page grabs a chair. Williams grabs a chair. Williams wins the chair duel and hits Page with the chair. Page sends Williams into the apron. Page grabs a pumpkin and brings it into the ring. Williams knocks the pumpkin out of Page’s hands and catches it. Williams puts the pumpkin on Page’s head, and Pump kicks it. Page is sent out of the ring. Williams pulls a broken half of a ladder from under the ring and slams Page on it. The fight spills into the crowd.

Page hits Williams with a trash can. Page sets up a piledriver. Williams back body drops Page on the trash can. Page wraps a chair around Williams’ neck and launches him into the ring post. Before Williams can react, Page follows that with a DDT on the chair. Williams kicks out. Page works over Williams. Williams fires up and misses a knee in the corner. Page tries the Ego’s Edge. Williams rolls out of it and hits the Trick Shot. Page puts his foot on the rope (even though there is no rope break) and kicks out seemingly right as the referee counts three.

Page takes over on Williams and pulls a black back from under the ring. Page empties the bag, and it was full of nuts and bolts. Williams avoids a slam from Page and hits a leaping neckbreaker on the nuts and bolts. Page rolls out of the ring. Williams follows and gets tripped into the steps. Williams tries to fire up, but Page sends him into the ring steps, gut first. Williams starts to spit up blood. Page hits an Ego’s Edge while standing on the steps through the commentary desk.

The referee checks on Williams. The referee calls for the doctor. Page tries to step in, but the referee tells him to step back. Williams refuses to let the referee end the match. Williams drags himself back into the ring. Page bodyslams Williams on the ring steps. Williams lands in a sickening thud. Page tries to sandwich Williams between the sections of the ring steps, but Williams moves. Book End on the ring steps by Williams! Williams picks up the ring steps to hit Page with them. Page kicks Williams below the belt. Page tells Williams he should have ended him. Page picks up the ring step. Williams low blows Page. Williams blasts Page with the Trick Shot for the win.

Winner and STILL NXT Champion, Trick Williams!

After the match, Ridge Holland attacks Williams from behind. Page gets in Holland’s face. Page tells Holland that if he’s going to do it, show him how it’s done. After Page tosses Williams to Holland, he drives him to the mat with the Redeemer. Page sets Williams up for the Ego’s Edge. Bubba Ray Dudley hits the ring and fights off Page and Holland.

Grade: B

Page said Williams couldn’t break bad and do what needed to be done. Jokes on him. Williams proves tonight… he’s hardcore! He’s hardcore! Fun match. Page was just as sadistic as advertised, as he brutalized Williams tonight. That bodyslam on the ringsteps was vomit-inducing. Willams gave as good as he got, with the Book End on the ring steps standing out as a vicious bump. The after-bit with Holland and Bubba Ray was interesting. Is it leading to some sort of tag match at the ECW Arena show?

WWE NXT Halloween Havoc Review:

The WWE doesn’t do many PLEs that are full of gimmick matches at this point, and there is a good reason for that. You can only do so much before it all becomes white noise. That said, save for the ambulance match, the other gimmick matches were different enough to be exciting. Despite all the fun carnage tonight (Femi vs. D’Angelo and Williams vs. Page were both car crashes in the best way), the match of the night was Perez and Jade vs. Giulia and Vaquer.

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That match featured the best of professional wrestling: excellent technical wrestling and breathtaking high-flying that added to the in-ring action and didn’t serve as a distraction. Lots of questions coming out of this show. What’s next for Oba Femi? Will Zaria continue being NXT’s version of Sting and appear in the crowd wearing a Zaria mask to attack Henley next? Is Bubba Ray Dudley going to return to the ring to face Holland? Tell us what you think in the comments!

Rating: B

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