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Lawsuit Filed Against WWE, Vince McMahon, Linda McMahon, And TKO On Behalf Of ‘Ring Boys’ Claiming Sexual Abuse

WWE, Vince McMahon, and TKO are facing a new lawsuit.

DiCello Levitt and Murphy, Falcon & Murphy announced that they filed a lawsuit against WWE, Vince McMahon and Linda McMahon, and TKO on behalf of five individuals who worked as “ring boys” in WWE and are claiming that they were sexually abused.

Official Press Release

The press release, courtesy of DiCello Levitt and Murphy, Falcon & Murphy, is as follows:

“DiCello Levitt and Murphy, Falcon & Murphy filed a major lawsuit today against World Wrestling Entertainment, LLC (WWE), Vincent K. McMahon and Linda McMahon (the McMahons), and TKO Group Holdings, Inc. (TKO) on behalf of five survivors of sexual abuse. The survivors (John Does 1-5) were known within WWE as “Ring Boys,” underaged boys hired by the organization’s ringside announcer and ring crew chief Melvin Phillips Jr. to assist with errands and other tasks in preparation for WWE’s wrestling shows.

The underaged Ring Boys were groomed, exploited, and sexually abused by Phillips, who targeted children from broken homes. His sexual assaults occurred not only at the wrestling venues, but also in hotel rooms and other locations where Phillips would shuttle the boys in plain sight. Defendants were fully aware of the systemic and pervasive abuse and did nothing to prevent or stop it. The FBI previously identified at least 10 Ring Boys abused by Phillips, but there are likely countless others who have suffered in silence for decades.”

Lawyer Comments On Lawsuit

In the press release, Greg Gutzler, a partner at DiCello Levitt, commented on the lawsuit.

“Thanks to the bravery of our clients, we finally have a chance to hold accountable those who allowed and enabled the open, rampant sexual abuse of these young boys,” said Greg Gutzler. “That so many were aware of the sexual abuse of the Ring Boys and did nothing to prevent or stop it is simply unconscionable.”

The press release also notes that the survivors learned the depth of knowledge that the McMahons and WWE had about the alleged sexual abuse through Janel Grant’s lawsuit, as well as TKO’s acquisition of WWE and Vince McMahon’s exit from the company.

“The WWE and McMahons had a responsibility to these underaged boys, and they failed them in the worst way possible. We will vigorously fight to uncover the truth about this systemic, insidious, and life-altering abuse,” said Mark DiCello, founding partner of DiCello Levitt. “We commend our clients for their bravery in coming forward and promise to relentlessly seek justice for them.”

As noted in the press release, the suit was filed in the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, MD. A copy of the complaint is available here.

Vince McMahon remains under federal investigation regarding the allegations Janel Grant made in her lawsuit.

WrestleZone will provide more information as it becomes available.


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