Kevin Owens Randy Orton WWE SmackDown
Photo Credit: WWE

Randy Orton Teams Up With Kevin Owens, Beats A-Town Down Under On WWE SmackDown

Kevin Owens was almost left high and dry in the ring tonight, but his mystery partner arrived just in time, and it was none other than Randy Orton.

During tonight’s episode of WWE SmackDown, Owens was set to face off against A-Town Down Under along with a mystery tag partner. At first, Owens’ partner seemed to be a total random superstar known only as “Ricky,” with Owens explaining that his real partner got stuck in traffic and didn’t arrive in time.

However, Owens was told just as the match was about to start that the partner arrived, and Owens kicked Ricky (who he called “Reggie”) to the curb with a Stunner, before Orton came out. In the match, the duo of Owens and Orton walked away with a win, after getting in some dual DDTs and then a finisher combo.

For a recap of how the match ended, check out below courtesy of our live coverage of SmackDown:

Owens knocks Theory off the top and lands a swanton. Theory kicks out. Before Owens can tag out, Waller pulls Orton off the apron. Waller and Theory work over Owens. Owens rolls out of the ring and rolls in by Orton to finally get the tag. Orton hits the ring and lands a flurry of offense. Orton suplexes Theory on the table. Waller gets to his feet and gets suplexed on the commentary desk as well. Owens and Orton land stereo Orton DDTs. Orton hits an RKO Waller while Owens simultaneously lands a Stunner Theory. Orton pins Waller.

Winners- Kevin Owens and Randy Orton