WWE SummerSlam Results

WWE SummerSlam Results (8/3/24)

WWE SummerSlam Results
August 3, 2024
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

The show kicks off with a live performance from Jelly Roll.

The Miz appears among the people and welcomes everyone to the show.

All of tonight’s referees are fitted with “ref cams” attached to their earpieces.

Women’s World Championship Match: Liv Morgan (c) vs. Rhea Ripley w/Dominik Mysterio

Morgan rolls out of the ring as soon as the bell rings. Ripley follows, but Morgan rolls back in the ring. Ripley chases Morgan. Morgan rolls back in, and Ripley does the same. Morgan and Ripley meet face-to-face in the ring. Ripley runs over Morgan. Suplex by Ripley. Morgan rolls out again. Morgan crawls towards Dominik. Ripley kisses Dominik on the cheek before booting Morgan in the chest. Ripley works over Morgan. Riptide on the top turnbuckle. Morgan falls to the mat. Ripley goes for another, but Morgan escapes. Morgan sends Ripley into the turnbuckle shoulder first. Ripley writhes in pain. The referee checks on Ripley. Ripley tells the referee her shoulder is out.

The referee asks if Ripley can continue. Ripley screams at the referee not to stop the match. Ripley rolls out of the ring. As Dominik checks on Ripley, Morgan pushes Ripley into the ring post. Morgan works over Ripley’s shoulder. Ripley boots Morgan away and rolls out of the ring again. Dominik pushes Ripley out of the way as Morgan sails through the air for a dive. Morgan lands on Dominik. Ripley rams her shoulder into the commentary desk to pop her shoulder back into place. Morgan looks terrified. Ripley sends Morgan flying with a shotgun dropkick. Suplex by Ripley. Ripley tries Riptide again, but Morgan reverses it into a DDT. Morgan goes up top. Ripley rips Morgan off the top and locks her in the Prisim Trap.

Check Out Last Night’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (8/2/24)

Morgan sends Ripley into the turnbuckle to break the hold. Morgan locks Ripley in a cross-armbar. Ripley turns the hold into a powerbomb. Morgan kicks out! Morgan hangs Ripley by her arm on the top rope. As Ripley clutches at her injured arm, Morgan brings a chair into the ring. Ripley pops her shoulder back into place by ramming it into the top turnbuckle. Riptide by Ripley. Instead of pinning Morgan, Ripley picks up the chair. Dominik snatches the chair from Ripley. Dominik tells Ripley she won’t win the title that way. Morgan dropkicks Ripley into Dominik. Oblivion by Morgan. Ripley kicks out. Dominik slides a chair into the ring and distracts the referee. Morgan hits Oblivion on the chair! Morgan pins Ripley.

Winner and STILL Women’s World Champion, Liv Morgan!

After the match, Dominik helps Morgan up and kisses her. Ripley is in the ring, seething.

Intercontinental Championship Match: Sami Zayn (c) vs. Bron Breakker

Breakker charges in, but Zayn avoids him. Breakker crashes into the ring post, shoulder first. After Breakker rolls out of the ring, Zayn lands a dive. Breakker tried a press slam, but his shoulder gave out. Zayn misses a Helluva Kick. Steinerline by Breakker. Zayn ends up on the top rope. Breakker pops up top and sends Zayn flying Breakensteiner. Zayn kicks out. Zayn leapfrogs over Breakker and lands a clothesline.

Breakker flips out of a blue thunderbomb. Breakker tries a bulldog off the top. Zayn reverses it into a blue thunder bomb. Breakker kicks out. Zayn surprises Breakker with an exploder into the corner. Zayn charges in for the Helluva Kick. Breakker explodes out of the corner with a Spear! Zayn stumbles to his feet. Breakker cuts Zayn in half with a turbo charges Spear for the win.

Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion, Bron Breakker!

Check Out Last Night’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (8/2/24)

MGK walks Logan Paul to the ring. LA Knight arrives in Logan Paul’s Prime truck in the parking lot. LA Knight breaks a window before telling Paul he can have his peace of trash back.

United States Championship Match: Logan Paul (c) vs. LA Knight

Paul knocks Knight off the apron before he manages to get in the ring. Paul and Knight fight outside the ring. Knight sends Paul into the barricade. Knight hits Paul with the Prime Hydration station. Paul sprays Knight in the face with some Prime, before driving him into the barricade. LA Knight hits a neckbreaker on the commentary desk. Knight sends Paul into the ring, and the bell finally rings. Paul gets his knees up while Knight tries his elbow drop.

Paul sends Knight into the ring post. Knight tries to fire up, but Paul cuts him off with a gut wrench suplex. Paul continues his assault. Knight fires up and lands a flurry of offense. Elbow drop off the top by Knight. Paul kicks out. Paul sends Knight out of the ring. Springboard Moonsault to the outside by Paul! Paul and Knight trade finisher attempts. Paul drops Knight with a knockout shot. Knight kicks out. Paul goes up top. Knight pops up top and hits a superplex that looked more like an accidental brainbuster. Paul kicks out.

Check Out Last Night’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (8/2/24)

Paul rolls out of the ring and asks one of his goons for the brass knuckles. Knight wipes Paul out with a baseball slide. Knight pulls both of Paul’s goons over the barricade and stomps them both out. Paul attacks Knight from behind, MGK gives Paul a paint of knucks. Paul nails Knight with the knucks. Knight stumbles around the ring. Paul tries a buckshot lariat, but Knight reverses it into the BFT for the win!

Winner and NEW United States Champion, LA Knight!

WWE Women’s Championship Match: Bayley (c) vs. Queen Nia Jax

Bayley lands a few strikes. Jax shrugs them off and forces Bayley into the ropes. Bayley armbars Jax using the ropes. Jax tosses Bayley clear across the ring. Jax works over Bayley. Bayley avoids a leg drop on the apron. Bayley dives off the steps and lands on Jax. Jax cuts Bayley off up top. Jax tries a suplex. Bayley reverses it into a guillotine. Jax escapes. Jax misses a leg drop off the second rope. Bayley lands the Bayley-to-Belly. Jax kicks out. Bayley charges in. Sit-Down by Jax. Jax lands the Annihilator.

Bayley kicks out! Jax continues her assault. Jax crushes Bayley with a Samoan drop out on the floor. Running hip attack by Jax. Jax goes up top. Bayley picks Jax up off the top and hits a powerbomb! Jax kicks out. Tiffany Stratton runs down to the ring with a referee and the Money in the Bank briefcase. Bayley knocks Stratton off the apron. Jax counters a ranna by Bayley into a powerbomb. Jax hits another powerbomb. Bayley isn’t moving. Jax drags Bayley to the corner and hits two Annihilators for the win.

Winner and NEW WWE Women’s Champion, Nia Jax!

Check Out Last Night’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (8/2/24)

CM Punk vs. Drew McIntyre (Special Guest Referee Seth “Freakin” Rollins)

As soon as the bell rings, Rollins has to leap out of the way as McIntyre and Punk lunge at each other. Punk beats McIntyre into the corner. Rollins pulls Punk away. McIntyre beats Punk into the other corner. Rollins pulls McIntyre away. Headkick by Punk. McIntyre lands a chop. Punk sends McIntyre over the top with a clothesline. Punk dives off the apron with another clothesline. McIntyre charges in and gets sent into the timekeeper’s area. Punk slams McIntyre’s head into the ring steps repeatedly. Rollins watches from the ring with a huge smile on his face.

McIntyre lifts Punk and swings him into the commentary desk. McIntyre beats down Punk outside the ring. Slingshot into the exposed steel under the ring by McIntyre. Rollins couldn’t be bothered to stop anything. McIntyre brings Punk back into the ring and works over Punk’s previously injured arm. McIntyre brings a chair into the ring. Seth Rollins and McIntyre argue about the chair. Rollins turns around to let McIntyre do his business. McIntyre rears back with the chair. Rollins rips the chair out of McIntyre’s hands. Rollins almost accidentally hits Punk with the chair. McIntyre runs over Punk.

McIntyre pulls out Punk’s bracelet with his wife’s and dog’s names on it. Punk avoids the Claymore with a leg lariat. Punk crushes McIntyre with several running knee strikes in the corner. Diving elbow by Punk. McIntyre kicks out. Punk traps McIntyre in the Anaconda Vice. Punk takes the bracelet, but it ends up across the ring. McIntyre hits the Claymore! Punk kicks out. McIntyre sets up the future shock DDT. Punk escapes. After McIntyre eats the ring post, Punk calls for the GTS.

Check Out Last Night’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (8/2/24)

Punk turns around and sees Punk’s bracelet on his wrist. Punk drops McIntyre and gets in Rollins ‘face. McIntyre knocks Punk into Rollins, knocking him off the apron. Punk hits the GTS, but there is no referee. Rollins rolls back in and makes the count. McIntyre kicks out. Punk and Rollins argue. Punk hits the GTS on Rollins! Low blow by McIntyre. McIntyre destroys Punk with a Claymore. Rollins begrudgingly makes the count.

Winner- Drew McIntyre

After the match, McIntyre puts the bracelet back on and leaves.

World Championship Match: Damian Priest (c) vs. Gunther

Priest lands a few strikes and goes for South of Heaven. Gunther lands a chop. Flatliner by Priest. Gunther rolls out of the ring. Priest lands a diving clothesline. Gunther sends Priest into the ring post. Suplex on the apron by Gunther. Gunther bodyslams Priest. Priest and Gunther trade strikes. Priest boxes Gunther’s ears and tries a suplex. Gunther blocks it. Suplex by Gunther.

Right hand by Priest. Gunther explodes off the ropes with a big boot. Gunther goes up top. Priest crotches Gunther on the top rope. Priest tries a superplex, but Gunther blocks it. Top rope rana by Priest. Broken Arrow by Priest. Priest unloads on Gunther with a flurry of strikes. Gunther responds with a chop. Priest and Gunther trade chops. Priest fires up and lights Gunther up with chop after chop. Gunther’s chest is bleeding.

Check Out Last Night’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (8/2/24)

Gunther lands a few chops. Priest blocks Gunther’s chop and lands a stiff kick that sends Gunther to the mat. Priest misses a splash in the corner. Powerbomb by Gunther. Priest kicks out. Gunther lands a few more chops. Priest escapes Gunther’s powerbomb and lands South of Heaven! Gunther kicks out! Priest calls for the Razor’s Edge. Gunther escapes. Sleeper by Gunther. Priest escapes. Lariat by Gunther. Short arm lariat by Gunther. Priest kicks out.

Priest tells Gunther to bring it. Gunther boots Priest in the face. Priest tells Gunther to bring it on again. Gunther lands a thunderous chop. Finn Bálor appears at ringside. Bálor cheers on Priest. Short amr chop by Gunther. Priest tries to fire up, but Gunther blasts him again. Gunther wipes the blood from his chest all over his face. Gunther mocks Bálor at ringside. Bálor gets booted in the face by Gunther. Priest sees it and fires up. Priest destroys Gunther with a lariat. Gunther gets to his feet and walks into another lariat.

Razor’s Edge by Priest. Priest hits South of Heaven. As the referee counts, Bálor puts GUNTHER’s foot on the bottom rope!!! Priest sees the replay and goes after Bálor. Gunther grabs Priest from behind and locks in a sleeper. Bálor stares daggers at Priest as Priest starts to fade. Priest fires up and turns the sleeper into a pin. Gunther kicks out. Instead of going after Gunther, Priest lunges at Bálor and grabs him by the throat. In Priest’s blind rage, he leaves Gunther another opening. Gunther hits another powerbomb and locks in another sleeper. Bálor smiles as Priest passes out.

Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion, Gunther!

On the way to the ring, Cody Rhodes gets a pep talk from Arn Anderson.

Undisputed WWE Championship Match: Bloodline Rules: Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Solo Sikoa

After a lockup, neither man can get an advantage. Rhodes tries a shoulder block. Sikoa doesn’t budge. Rhodes tries again. Same result. Sikoa runs over Rhodes. Sikoa glares at Rhodes. Rhodes tries a drop-down uppercut. Sikoa blocks it and shakes his head no. Sikoa knocks Rhodes into the corner. Rhodes narrowly avoids a running hip attack. Rhodes and Sikoa trade strikes. Sikoa sends Rhodes over the top, but Rhodes skins the cat. Rhodes sends Sikoa over the top. Suicide dive by Rhodes.

Rhodes tries another but is met with a nasty right hand from Sikoa. Sikoa slams Rhodes into the ring steps. Sikoa avoids a powerslam from Rhodes and hits a spinning heel kick. Rhodes kicks at two. Samoan drop by Sikoa. Rhodes kicks out. Rhodes lands a Cody Cutter. Sikoa kicks out. Sikoa counters a disaster kick with a powerbomb. Rhodes rolls up Sikoa. Sikoa kicks out. Spinning Solo by Sikoa. Rhodes kicks out. Sikoa works over Rhodes. Sikoa misses a headbutt in the corner. Rhodes lands a moonsault to a standing Sikoa. Rhodes lands a few punches.

Sikoa manages to lands a suplex. Rhodes is down. Sikoa goes up top. Rhodes cuts Sikoa off. Rhodes lands a superplex. Sikoa and Rhodes trade strikes. Rhodes reverses Sikoa’s Crossroads atrempt with one of his own. Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa hit the ring and attack Rhodes. Rhodes kicks out of Tonga and Loa’s finish. Kevin Owens hits the ring and attacks the Tongans. Loa and Tonga take over on Owens. Randy Orton hits the ring and RKOs Loa. Owens drops Tonga with a Stunner.

Check Out Last Night’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (8/2/24)

Owens flattens Sikoa with a swanton. Rhodes hits Crossroads. Sikoa kicks out. Orton, Owens, and the Tongans fight into the crowd. Rhodes brings the ring steps into the ring and hits Sikoa with them. Sikoa surprises Rhodes with a Spear. Sikoa kicks out. Rhodes avoids a charging Sikoa. Sikoa crashes into the steps. Rhodes hits two crossroads in a row. Before Rhodes can hit the third, Jacob Fatu appears out of nowhere and hits a whisper in the wind. BME by Fatu. Fatu lays Sikoa on Rhodes. Rhodes kicks out. Fatu sends Rhodes out of the ring and lands a superkick.

Fatu lays Rhodes on the commentary desk. Fatu puts Rhodes through the commentary desk with a splash off the top. Fatu hurts his knee in the process. Fatu tries to stand, but he can’t. Sikoa grabs Rhodes. Fatu tells Sikoa to end him. Sikoa lands a splash off the top. Rhodes kicks out. Super Cody Cutter by Rhodes. Roman Reigns music hits. Reigns hits the ring and lands a massive Superman Punch to Sikoa! Spear by Reigns! Reigns and Rhodes lock eyes. Reigns leaves the ring. Rhodes and Reigns glare at each other while Reigns is on the ramp. Rhodes hits another Crossraods on Sikoa for the win.

Winner and STILL Undisputed Champion, Cody Rhodes!

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