WWE SummerSlam CM Punk Drew McIntyre
Image Credit: WWE

Drew McIntyre Defeats CM Punk At WWE SummerSlam

CM Punk‘s ego cost him his return match at WWE SummerSlam against Drew McIntyre.

The finish saw Punk and Seth Rollins get into an argument. Instead of putting his focus back on McIntyre, Punk hit Rollins with the GTS. McIntyre took advantage by kicking Punk low and hitting him with a Claymore. Rollins executes a slow three-count to give McIntyre the victory.

WWE SummerSlam results

Check out a recap of the match, courtesy of our live coverage page:

CM Punk vs. Drew McIntyre (Special Guest Referee Seth “Freakin” Rollins)

As soon as the bell rings, Rollins has to leap out of the way as McIntyre and Punk lunge at each other. Punk beats McIntyre into the corner. Rollins pulls Punk away. McIntyre beats Punk into the other corner. Rollins pulls McIntyre away. Headkick by Punk. McIntyre lands a chop. Punk sends McIntyre over the top with a clothesline. Punk dives off the apron with another clothesline. McIntyre charges in and gets sent into the timekeeper’s area. Punk slams McIntyre’s head into the ring steps repeatedly. Rollins watches from the ring with a huge smile on his face.

McIntyre lifts Punk and swings him into the commentary desk. McIntyre beats down Punk outside the ring. Slingshot into the exposed steel under the ring by McIntyre. Rollins couldn’t be bothered to stop anything. McIntyre brings Punk back into the ring and works over Punk’s previously injured arm. McIntyre brings a chair into the ring. Seth Rollins and McIntyre argue about the chair. Rollins turns around to let McIntyre do his business. McIntyre rears back with the chair. Rollins rips the chair out of McIntyre’s hands. Rollins almost accidentally hits Punk with the chair. McIntyre runs over Punk.

The closing moments…

McIntyre pulls out Punk’s bracelet with his wife’s and dog’s names on it. Punk avoids the Claymore with a leg lariat. Punk crushes McIntyre with several running knee strikes in the corner. Diving elbow by Punk. McIntyre kicks out. Punk traps McIntyre in the Anaconda Vice. Punk takes the bracelet, but it ends up across the ring. McIntyre hits the Claymore! Punk kicks out. McIntyre sets up the future shock DDT. Punk escapes. After McIntyre eats the ring post, Punk calls for the GTS.

Punk turns around and sees Punk’s bracelet on his wrist. Punk drops McIntyre and gets in Rollins ‘face. McIntyre knocks Punk into Rollins, knocking him off the apron. Punk hits the GTS, but there is no referee. Rollins rolls back in and makes the count. McIntyre kicks out. Punk and Rollins argue. Punk hits the GTS on Rollins! Low blow by McIntyre. McIntyre destroys Punk with a Claymore. Rollins begrudgingly makes the count.

Winner- Drew McIntyre

After the match, McIntyre puts the bracelet back on and leaves.

READ MORE: CM Punk: I Can Focus On Bigger And Better Things After I’m Done With Drew McIntyre

What are your thoughts on this match result? Did the right man leave WWE SummerSlam with the victory? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.