WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (7/16/24)

WWE NXT Results

July 16, 2024

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

The Rascalz (Wes Lee, Zachary Wentz, and Trey Miguel vs. Gallus (Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey, and Wolfgang)

Miguel and Mark start the match. Miguel uses his speed to boot Mark in the arm and set up a double team with Wentz. Wentz holds Mark in a last chancery while Miguel lands a dropkick to Mark’s face. Wolfgang cheapshots Wentz. Mark and Wolfgang beat down Wentz. Wentz surprises Joe with a diving rana. Lee tags in and sends Joe flying with a spinning head of scissors. Rana with a hold by Lee. Joe kicks out. After getting a blind tag, Wolfgang levels Lee with a lariat. Gallus takes turns working over Lee. Everyone brawls, everyone is down.

Vic Joeseph mentioned Joe Hendry on commentary, and all of a sudden, Joe Hendry’s music hits. Hendry walks to the commentary desk. After the break, Gallus still has Lee trapped on their end of the ring. Lee manages to tag in Wentz. Wentz lands a few superkicks, followed by a top rope missile dropkick to Mark and Wolfgang. Miguel and Wentz land a few assisted dropkicks. The Rascalz hit a triple dropkick. Lee and Wentz hit the hot fire flame on the apron. Lee lands a dive. The Rascalz hit a burning hammer/double stomp on Mark for the win.

Winners- The Rascalz

Backstage, Thea Hail runs off when she hears NXT Woman’s Champion Roxanne Perez is near. Andre Chase and Riley Orsborn put over Duke Hudson ahead of his NXT North American Championship match.

In-Ring Segment: NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez

Perez asks what it will take for people to give her the respect she deserves. Why isn’t she getting her flowers? The WWE Universe is witnessing greatness in front of them, but they are too busy giving a loser like Lola Vice a standing ovation. Perez says she hasn’t hit her prime yet; how good will she be in five years? Perez rants about being on pace to break all of the records. What pisses Perez off is when she sees online that Gulia or Stephanie Vaquer is going to run through the NXT locker room.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (7/9/24)

They can pull up and get beat down. It’s laughable that Thea Hail is Perez’s next opponent. Thea Hail interrupts. Hail tells Perez to doubt her if she wants. It doesn’t matter. Perez says she isn’t underestimating Hail. She knows that no one else has a chance as long as she’s the champion. Perez says Hail is nothing but a little girl. Hail and Perez take turns locking each other in their respective submission holds. Ridge Holland pulls Hail away.

Backstage, NXT Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan puts over Sol Ruca. Wendy Choo appears behind Jordan. Choo walks away.

Je’Von Evans vs. Brooks Jensen w/Josh Briggs

Evans charges in. Jensen drives Evans into the corner. Evans lands a rana followed by a dropkick that sends Jensen out of the ring. Jensen and Evans fight out on the floor. Jensen drops Evans on the barricade. Superkick by Evans. Evans leaps from the floor to the bottom rope and lands a moonsault. Evans sends Jensen back into the ring and lands a slingshot enziguri. Jensen runs over Evans with a clothesline. Jensen drops Evans on the commentary desk. Evans clutches at his previously injured ribs.

Jensen leaps off the apron and lands on Evans, crushing him against the desk. After the break, Jensen continues to work on Evans’ ribs. Jensen goes up top. Evans surprises Jensen with a rana off the top. Evans fires up and lands a flurry of offense, capped with a springboard crossbody for a near fall. Pancake Driver by Jensen. Evans kicks out. Shawn Spears walks down to ringside. Jensen gets distracted. Evans lands a dive followed by a springboard cutter for the win.

Winner- Je’Von Evans

After the match, Jensen attacks Evans. Briggs pulls Jensen away.

Backstage, Dante Chen says Ethan Page thinks he will be an easy challenge. Chen knows that you have to take your moment when you get your moment.

NXT Championship Match Ethan Page (c) vs. Dante Chen

Page drives Chen into the corner and mockingly pats him on the head. Chen rolls up Page for a quick two count. Chen lands a series of strikes. Page kicks out. Page tosses Chen over the top rope. Chen gets to his feet. Page dives off the apron with a shoulder block. Page works over Chen. Chen fires up and manages a flurry of pin attempts. Page won’t stay down. Huge double chop by Chen. Page kicks out. Page boots Chen in the face. Ego’s Edge by Page. Page pins Chen.

Winner and STILL NXT Champion, Ethan Page!

After the match, Oro Mensah attacks Page. Page drops Mensah with a DDT. Page starts to walk up the ramp. Mensah attacks Page from behind. Mensah brings Page back to the ring. Page gets sent into the corner. Mensah hits his running wheel kick and mockingly pins Page.

Izzy Dame vs. Tatum Paxley

During Dame’s entrance, Paxley slides under Dame’s legs and says hello. Then, using the ropes, Paxley traps Dame in a triangle. Dame runs over Paxley. Dame bow and arrows Paxley using the ring post. Paxley fires up. Wendy Choo appears. In the confusion, Paxley hits her finish for the win.

Winner- Tatum Paxley

Lola Vice vs. Jacy Jayne w/Fallon Henley and Jazmyn Nix

Vice starts off by landing a few kicks. Jayne avoids a kick and rolls Vice up. Vice kicks out. Jayne stomps on Vice’s broken wrist. Jayne focuses her attack on Vice’s injured limb. Vice surprises Jayne with a low kick. Vice unloads on Jayne with rapid-fire kicks, followed by a running hip attack. Jayne kicks out. Jayne lands a lawbreaker, followed by a boot. Vice responds with a spinning back fist for the win.

Winner- Lola Vice

After the match, Henley and Nix attack Vice. Sol Ruca and Karmen Petrovic make the save.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (7/9/24)

Six-Person Tag Team Match: OTM vs. The OC

Before the bell rings, everyone brawls. The ring clears, and Michin and Parker are left in the ring. Michin works over Parker in the corner. Michin misses a spear in the corner. Parker lands her tear-drop hip attack. Michin avoids a leg drop. German suplex by Michin. Parker tags in Price. Gallows enters for his team. Big boot by Gallows. Gallows hits the ropes and gets destroyed by a modified spinebuster. Corner clothesline by Price. Nima tags in and trade strikes with Gallows.

Nima lands a headbutt that floors Gallows. OTM takes turns working over Gallows. Gallows tags in Michin. Michin unloads on Parker with strikes and suplexes. Overhead kick by Michin. Parker kicks out. Parker suplexes Michin and tags in Nima. Anderson and Nima trade chops. Diving neck breaker by Anderson. Suplex/neck breaker comb by The OC. Price breaks up the pin. Parker chop blocks Anderson. Michin hits Nima with Eat d’Feat. Anderson and Gallows hit The Magic Killer for the win.

Winners- The OC

NXT North American Championship Match: Oba Femi (c) vs. Duke Hudson w/Chase U

Hudson and Femi lock up. Neither man can get an advantage. Hudson lands a shoulder block, but Femi doesn’t go down. Femi tells Hudson to do it again. Hudson hits the ropes and is met with a back elbow. Body block by Femi. Hudson sends Femi flying with a rana. DDT by Hudson. Hudson clotheslines Femi over the top. After the break, Femi is working over Hudson’s back. Hudson fires up and counters an elbow from Femi with a big boot. Femi rolls out of the ring.

Dive by Hudson. Hudson lands his slingshot German suplex. Femi kicks out. Hudson sits Femi on the top rope. Femi knocks Hudson off the top. Hudson hits Stratusfaction. Hudson walks into a chokeslam. Femi only gets a two count. Femi puts Hudson on the top rope and sets up a superplex. Hudson reverses it into a sunset flip bomb. Femi kicks out. Femi rolls out of the ring. Hudson follows and gets suplexes on the commentary desk. Femi hits a Pop-up Powerbomb for the win.

Winner and STILL NXT North American Champion, Oba Femi!

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