brian cage
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Brian Cage Is Hungry For More Big Matches After Loss To Will Ospreay

Brian Cage cut an impassioned promo on Twitter, following his impressive match against Will Ospreay last week.

“The Machine” unsuccessfully challenged the English star for the AEW International Championship on Collision last week. However, his performance had fans once again talking about how good Brian Cage is in the ring.

He congratulated Ospreay for his performance, and said he was the better man that night. However, Cage thinks that he showed he is one of the best, despite suffering defeat in the title match.

He wrote on Twitter:

“I signed with @aew over 4 years ago in pursuit of the best matches and best wrestlers imaginable. Regardless of your opinion of me, I put myself in that category, and I’ve been waiting to show it. There’s been moments of brilliance, but not until just recently has my abilities”

Then in the accompanying Twitter video, Brian Cage said:

Do I have the International title? No sir, I do not. But you know what I do have? What I do have seems to be a lot of respect. Admiration. Appreciation. Overall praise for the match me and Will Ospreay had in the main event of Collision. And you know what? That’s what I’ve been waiting for.”

“I signed for this company, AEW, where the best wrestle. I signed four years ago. Where the best wrestle? Who better? And I think I showed that this past Saturday. But the answer the question ‘Who better?’ actually, at least for that night, its gotta be you, Will Ospreay. And I’m not mad, you’re a hell of a talent and we had one hell of a match.”

Brian Cage Wants More Matches To Prove How Good He Is

Brian Cage continued. The former FTW Champion called out those who said he improved in the last six months. He told fans that he didn’t suddenly get better.

No, the former TNA Champion said he’s always been this good, and wants more chances to prove it in the ring.

“That’s exactly what I want! More of that! Everyone thinks all of a sudden, I go so much better. ‘Over the last six months, Brian Cage is going on a tear!’. Yeah, you’re damn right I have been. But guess what? I’ve been that good, and better, this whole time! This is what I’ve been waiting for. Matches like this. Matches that bring out the best in me. Against Page, against Kenny Omega, against Pac, against the Lucha Brothers. Any and everybody. Give me all of them, because I’m hungry. I’ve been hungry. I’ve been wanting it.”

“And I’ve been wanting to show everyone, to prove it. Give me the ball, I don’t care if its soccer, basketball, baseball, whatever ball you want. I’m hitting a home run, I’m running a touchdown, I’m kicking a goal, I’m shooting a three. I’m doing it all! You give me the opportunity, and ‘The Machine’, ‘The Swoleverine’, who does it better than everyone else, the answer to the question ‘who better than Brian Cage?’ is, and forever will be, nobody!”