WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (4/9/24): Tag Team Title Match, Stand & Deliver Fallout

WWE delivered an action-packed show with the April 9 episode of WWE NXT.

The show featured the fallout of NXT Stand & Deliver. Plus, Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin defended the NXT Tag Team Championship against Axiom and Nathan Frazer. Additionally, Je’Von Evans made his debut. In tag team action, Izzi Dame and Kiana James faced Fallon Henley and Kelani Jordan.

The results are as follows:

WWE NXT Results

A video package recaps NXT Stand & Deliver.

In-Ring Segment: Roxanne Perez

NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez comes to the ring. She discusses winning the NXT Women’s Championship and shuts down the fans’ “You deserve it chants.” Perez says her win was justice. She notes that she targeted Lya Valkyria’s injured arm, and she doesn’t care if she broke her arm. Perez says no matter how she did it, she won the title, and nobody can take the title from her. She dared anyone to tell her otherwise. Perez says that the next time she gets the title taken from her, she’ll be moving to the main roster in the draft.

Lyra Valkyria interrupts and questioned if Perez thought she was too good for NXT. She says the title will stay on NXT. Perez says Valkyria is not medically cleared. Tatum Paxley appears and seemingly steps in. Valkyria says she can do this. Paxley attacks her, and officials separate them. Natalya comes out and confronts Perez. She challenges Perez to a match, and Roxanne turns her down. NXT General Manager Ava comes out and says that Natalya will get a title shot. Perez goes for a cheap shot, but Natalya gains the upper hand, sending Perez out of the ring.

Backstage, Nathan Frazer and Axiom look forward to challenging for the NXT Tag Team Championship again later tonight. Frazer notes that they won’t get another shot if they lose. He says they might have to go their separate ways if they lose.

The broadcast team pans to Chase U. Ansdre Chase hands honorary Chase U degrees to Kelani Jordan and is about to give Fallon Henley one. Jacy Jayne interrupts and hints at the “real reason” she had to bail Chase U out. Jayne reveals that Andre Chase placed a bet on Thea Hail winning at NXT Great American Bash, and he threw in the towel to save Thea. Chase admits it’s true and tries to explain himself, but Hail storms off.

Kiana James & Izzi Dame vs. Fallon Henley & Kelani Jordan

Dame and James attack Henley and Jordan during their entrance. Jordan rallies and tags Henley. Henley takes the fight to Dame and drops James. Jordan and Henley double-team their opponents. Henley hits a sliding dropkick. James and Dame take control and ground Jordan. James continues to maintain the advantage. She and Dame keep Jordan grounded. Henley tags in and clears house with a flurry of offense.

Jordan keeps the momentum going, but James hits the 401K for the win.

Winners: Kiana James & Izzi Dame

A video package highlights Je’Von Evans. SCRYPTS comments on facing him and makes his way to the ring.

Backstage, Charlie Dempsey comments on competing at Bloodsport. He says their situation with their “friends” is getting sorted. Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo and The Family, sans Tony D’Angelo, interrupt, and tensions rise, setting the stage for a match.

Je’Von Evans vs. SCRYPTS

Evans and SCRYPTS trade fast-paced offense early on. Evans gets an early two-count with a pin attempt. He takes SCRYPTS down with a dropkick and keeps rolling. SCRYPTS trips him up and takes control. He hits a standing shooting star press and continues to control the action. Evans fires up and drills SCRYPTS with some stiff shots. Evans hits a springboard cutter. He dives onto OTM at ringside. SCRYPTS and Evans trade blows. Evans evades a moonsault and hits a corkscrew dive for the win.

Winner: Je’Von Evans

Natalya and Roxanne Perez are shown walking to the ring, as their match is next.

The commentary team recalls Ridge Holland attacking Joe Gacy at NXT Stand & Deliver. Backstage, Ridge Holland says he wants to apologize to Joe Gacy. Gacy shows up and says he gets it, as Holland went from being on the show to being a panelist on the Countdown show. Holland walks away, and the LWO confronts him. They doubt his apology, and Holland walks away but he slams the door on their fingers.

Roxanne Perez Defends The Gold

NXT Women’s Championship: Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Natalya

Perez and Natalya feel each other out, and they’re evenly matched early on. Natalya slaps Perez and drops her with a clothesline. The veteran controls the action and grounds Perez. She hits a dropkick and chops Pere at ringside. Perez gains the upper hand. Natalya turns it around and goes for a submission. Perez escapes, and the match heads to the outside. She suplexes Natalya on the floor and slams her onto the broadcast table.

Back in the ring, Perez grounds Natalya. The veteran rallies and drops Perez with a discus clothesline. Natalya goes for the Sharpshooter, but Perez counters. Natalya evades Pop Rox and locks in the Sharpshooter, but Perez reaches the ropes. Lola Vice interferes and attacks Natalya. Perez hits Pop Rox for the win.

Winner and still NXT Women’s Champion: Roxanne Perez

NXT Tag Team Champions Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin comment on their win at NXT Stand & Deliver and look forward to their title match tonight.

Backstage, Lola Vice says she is tired of waiting for opportunities, and she is making her own. Natalya attacks her, and officials separate them.

No Quarter Catch Crew (Myles Borne & Damon Kemp) vs. The Family (Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo & Luca Crusifino) (with Adriana Rizzo)

The Family takes control early on. They keep rolling with some double-team offense. Dempsey saves Borne from a cannonball, so “Stacks” crashes into the corner. Borne takes the fight to “Stacks”. Kemp drops “Stacks” with an inverted suplex. Borne and Kemp double-team him. Crusifino takes control with a flurry of offense.

Dempsey tries to interfere, but “Staks” takes him out, and Crusifino scores the win,

Winners: The Family (Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo & Luca Crusifino) (with Adriana Rizzo)

The broadcast team highlights the announcement of the NXT Women’s North American Championship.

In-Ring Segment: Oba Femi

NXT North American Champion Oba Femi comes to the ring. He says he knew that he would win at NXT Stand & Deliver. Femi gives Dijak and Josh Briggs credit but says he is at the top of the mountain. Ivar makes a surprise appearance as he confronts Femi. He says he loved the chaos seen in Femi’s match at NXT Stand & Deliver and says the kind of fight he lives for. Femi asks Ivar what he wants. Ivar says he felt a deep jealousy when he watched the match, as he wanted to be in that fight.

Ivar calls Femi an immovable object but says he’s the man who can chop him down and take the title. Femi tells him that they would see. Ivar stops him as he tried to walk away and stands tall after a brief brawl. He raises the title over Femi.

Meta-Four celebrates a successful outing with NXT Stand & Deliver. Oro Mensah is upset and picks a fight with Oba Femi. Dijak shows up, and Noam Dar says he knows why Dijak is miserable, as he needs sunshine. Dijak says that was Dar’s one warning.

Jaida Parker vs. Brinley Reece

Parker and Reece feel each other out. Parker gains the upper hand. Jaida controls the action. Reece rallies and gets a two-count with a clothesline.

Jaida gains the upper hand and hits a hip check for the win.

Winner: Jaida Parker

Arianna Grace discusses being named Ms. Stand & Deliver. Lola Vice charges in, clearly frustrated. Sol Ruca notes that Natalya was frustrated because Vice cost her the match. Vice snaps at Ruca.

NXT Tag Team Championship: Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin vs. Axiom & Nathan Frazer

Breakker and Axiom square off. Breakker showcases his quickness and trucks over Axiom. Corbin tags in and overpowers Frazer. Axiom dives onto Corbin, and Frazer dives onto Breakker. They hit multiple dives. Axiom briefly controls the action, but Breakker overwhelms him. Breakker and Corbin double-team him. Breakker and Corbin keep Axiom grounded. Frazer tags in, and Breakker drops Axiom. Breakker slams Axiom for a two-count.

Axiom sends Corbin into the ropes, which trips up Bron. Corbin and Breakker hit a double-team bulldog. Frazer rocks Corbin with a kick. He dives onto Corbin, who throws him into the steps. Axiom rocks Breakker with a kick. Corbin levels him with a lariat. Frazer kicks Corbin. Breakker rocks him with a jumping knee. Frazer dodges a Spear, and Breakker nearly Spears Corbin. They get kicked into each other, and Frazer hits Corbin with a Phoenix Splash for the win.

Winners and new NXT Tag Team Champions: Nathan Frazer & Axiom

Frazer and Axiom celebrate. Karrion Kross walks down the ramp, and the Authors of Pain attack Frazer and Axiom. They drape the titles over the champions.

In-Ring Segment: Trick Williams

Trick Williams comes to the ring and celebrates his win at NXT Stand & Deliver. He says it’s a new era, and NXT is hotter than ever. Trick says one man was responsible for him being where he is today, and that was Carmelo Hayes. He says Carmelo is “him”. Trick turns his attention back to himself and says what’s next for him is slaying the “Mad Dragon” for the NXT Championship. Williams calls out Ilja Dragunov.

The NXT Champion comes out and says he’s proud of the superstar that Williams has become. Trick challenges Ilja to a rematch for the title. Dragunov says Williams is the leader of a hungry locker room, and he sees his hunger. Dragunov turns him down, but Trick says nothing and no one can stop him. Ilja says Trick is a risk-taker, and he will give him a title shot at NXT Spring Breakin. Ilja says that if he wins, Trick must leave NXT.

Williams accepts and says he shouldn’t be in NXT if he can’t beat Dragunov. Carmelo Hayes attacks both men and says Williams won’t make it to Spring Breakin’, as he would face him in a Steel Cage match next week.

RELATE: NXT Stand & Deliver Review


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