kenny omega
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Kenny Omega On The Evolution Of AEW: It’s All About Making The Fans Happy

Kenny Omega reflects upon the beginning of All Elite Wrestling and where the company stands just a few years later.

All Elite Wrestling’s Kenny Omega recently sat down with Chris Mueller of Bleacher Report. When asked about the upcoming 5-year anniversary of the company, Omega took the time to reflect on the evolution the company has gone through over the years.

“Everything changes, and it’s hard to really predict with 100 percent accuracy how something is going to end up,” Kenny Omega said. “There was a lot of new promotion energy back then. There was a lot of excitement, and people were willing to give us the benefit of the doubt and give us a shot. We had a locker room and a team of real go-getters.

“Every week was something new, something exciting. We were just trying to get our footing. Now we have a much larger roster, and we have a lot of our bases covered. Is it different now than it was on day one? Absolutely it’s different. Do I still feel that I have an identity within this company? Yeah, it’s still AEW. From 2019 until now, every single year has been completely different from one another.

“I didn’t even realize it until you asked me the question just now how different year one was from year two and year three. It’s all about making the fans happy. You strip back everything from the original mission statement; it was really all about making fans happy. At the end of the day, if the fans are happy with the product, if the networks are happy, if everyone is happy who consumes our product, then I’m happy too.”

    READ MORE: Kenny Omega Pins Brian Cage In Street Fight On 11/15 AEW Dynamite

    What do you make of Kenny Omega’s comments? Have you enjoyed the evolution of All Elite Wrestling? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

