Eddie Kingston Serpentico Ring of Honor
Photo Credit: Ring of Honor

Ring Of Honor Results (10/12/23): Eddie Kingston In Action Against Serpentico

Ring of Honor Results – October 12, 2023

This week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling on HonorClub kicked off with Serpentico backstage talking about his Proving Ground match tonight against Eddie Kingston. Serpentico says he’s not the same person that Kingston faced two years ago and that he plans to survive for ten minutes to earn a future title shot.

Ring of Honor World Champion Eddie Kingston defeated Serpentico in a Proving Ground Match

  • Eddie Kingston locks the Stretch Plum on Serpentico to secure the win via submission.

Angelico and Eddie Kingston get into it after the match. A match is made between Kingston and Angelico for the Ring of Honor World Championship in the near future.

Gates of Agony (w/ Prince Nana) defeated Fresco and Watson

  • Bishop Kaun secured the pinfall victory for his team in a squash match.

Daga is backstage. Daga says it’s his first time in Ring of Honor and he wants to show everyone what he’s capable of when he challenges QT Marshall for the AAA Latin American Championship later on tonight.

Ring of Honor Women’s World Champion Athena (w/ Billie Starkz) defeated Mazzerati in a Proving Ground match

  • Athena locks Mazzerati in a submission hold, and the referee stops the match.

Billie Starkz hides Mazzerati under the ring when Athena isn’t looking so she can’t be attacked after the match.

Lee Johnson is backstage. He’s interrupted by Shane Taylor Promotions. Shane Taylor asks Lee Johnson if he’s tired of losing. Lee Moriarty says Johnson should join and start winning once again. Taylor tells Johnson to think about it.

QT Marshall defeated Daga to retain the AAA Latin American Championship

  • QT Marshall hits Daga with the Dirtsheet Driver to secure the pinfall victory.

A video package plays for Dalton Castle.

Shane Taylor Promotions are on a roll in Ring of Honor

Shane Taylor Promotions defeated The Infantry

  • Shane Taylor drops Carlie Bravo with a right hand to secure the pinfall victory for his team.

Billie Starkz is backstage. Mercedes Martinez and Diamante interrupt and tell her it’s only a matter of time until Athena turns on her.

Angelico defeated Marty Casal

  • Angelico locks on a leg grapevine submission on Marty Casal to win the match via tap-out.

Mercedes Martinez (w/ Diamante) defeated Lady Frost

  • Mercedes Martinez hits a Crucifix Dominator on Lady Frost to secure the pinfall victory.

Josh Woods and Smart Mark Sterling are backstage. Mark Sterling says they need to take the team to the next level and he’s secured Woods a coach. Sterling introduces Pat Buck, and Woods takes offense to this and says he doesn’t need a trainer. Buck says he doesn’t want to train him anymore and the two will face off in a Pure Rules match next week.

Willow Nightingale defeated Leyla Hirsh

  • Willow Nightingale hits Leyla Hirsch with The Babe with the Powerbomb to secure the pinfall victory.

Leyla Hirsch attacks Willow Nightingale after the bell. Skye Blue comes out to make the save and superkicks Hirsch out of the ring.

Action Andretti defeated Gringo Loco

  • Action Andretti hit a split-legged moonsault on Gringo Loco to score the pinfall victory.

Ethan Page wants a shot at the Ring of Honor World Championship

Ethan Page is backstage. Page talks about his match later on tonight against Christopher Daniels. Page says he’s a fan of Daniels and thinks he’s one of the greatest to ever step into a Ring of Honor ring. Ethan Page says there is no way he’s going to let Eddie Kingston see him lose tonight as he’s coming for a shot at The Mad King’s title.

Billie Starkz (w/ Athena) defeated Rochelle Riveter

  • Billie Starkz locks a crossface in on Rochelle Riveter to secure the win via submission.

Mercedes Martinez and Diamante attack Athena and Billie Starkz from behind on the ramp following the match.

Kip Sabian (w/ Penelope Ford) defeated Anthony Henry (w/ JD Drake)

  • Kap Sabian hit Anthony Henry with Deathly Hallows to secure the pinfall victory.

Griff Garrison is backstage. Garrison says he hasn’t had a good few weeks and says he and Cole Karter haven’t been on the same page. Cole Karter and Maria Kanellis interrupt. Maria says the two of them need to get on the same page in order to become Ring of Honor Tag Team Champions. Maria says they need to figure it out.

Ethan Page defeated Christopher Daniels

  • Ethan Page hits Christopher Daniels with Ego’s Edge to win the match via pinfall.

Tony Nese is next in line for Ethan Page

Smart Mark Sterling and Tony Nese come out on the stage. Sterling tries to recruit Ethan Page into his faction but does so in a very backhanded fashion. Page asks the audience, and it’s an overwhelming no. Nese says his answer is irrelevant because he doesn’t want him in the faction and he doesn’t want to team with him. Page challenges Nese to a match next week and Nese accepts.

Ethan Page and Christopher Daniels shake hands. Page asks the crowd to give it up for Christopher Daniels.

Scorpio Sky defeated Darius Martin

  • Scorpio Sky hits the TKO on Darius Martin to pick up the win via pinfall.

Sky celebrates his victory as Ring of Honor Wrestling goes off the air.

READ MORE: Kip Sabian Wasn’t ‘Banged Up’ At ROH Tapings, He Banged His Wife After The Show

What did you think of this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling? What was your favorite match or segment? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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