don callis
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Don Callis Doesn’t Care If You Hate Him: ‘I Am Myself, And That’s Very Freeing’

Don Callis doesn’t care if people hate him because he’s just being himself, and that’s very freeing to him.

All Elite Wrestling‘s Don Callis was a recent guest on Busted Open Radio. When asked why he’s so hateable, Callis said he’s just being himself and doesn’t have to hide it anymore.

“Well, you may be able to relate to this. I just am myself,” Don Callis said. “And people say to me, ‘Why are you like this?’ This is how I’ve always been. I’ve had to hide in plain sight if you will. In the past had to put on a happy face had to walk into that WWF locker room and shake hands with 65 morons every time I saw them. Not just the first day or the last day of work.

“I’ve been in ECW and had to pretend that I was okay with all the crazy stuff that went on in that locker room. I have been on my best behavior, hiding in plain sight for far too long. So it’s very simple. People can love me, they can hate me, but this is me. This is me 24/7.

“I just called the cops on some fans at the LaGuardia Airport where we’re staying. Because they were mucking up the entranceway. One hundred people got told to vacate the property. And I took the heat because I don’t care, and not caring is all about unburdening oneself, and I feel unburdened because for the first time in a long time, I am myself, and that’s very freeing.”

When asked if he ever gets worried about the amount of hatred directed towards the ring when he’s in it, Callis said things like that don’t concern him.

“I’m not that concerned with how the fans react,” Don Callis said. “I’m concerned with what we accomplished. Now what we accomplish it tends to upset people. So I think that hey, the name on the marquee is the Don Callis family.

“But the name of the marquee is also Sammy Guevara, Will Ospreay, Takeshita, Will Hobbs, we’re all sharing the limelight here. And we’re all going to continue to do that, and if people like to watch us tear apart Kenny Omega, feel free to cheer.

“Feel free to buy my $110 t-shirt available right now on But if you don’t like it, then don’t like it. But you’re going to watch it because every time we step in front of the red light, we change history.”

READ MORE: Sammy Guevara Turns On Chris Jericho, Aligns With Don Callis On AEW Dynamite

What do you make of Don Callis’ comments? Is Callis someone that you love to hate? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

If you use any of these quotes, please credit Busted Open with a link to this article for the transcription.