adam copeland
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Adam Copeland On The Goals He Hopes To Accomplish In AEW

Adam Copeland has many goals he wants to accomplish at All Elite Wrestling, in and out of the ring.

All Elite Wrestling‘s Adam Copeland recently sat down with Chris Mueller of Bleacher Report. When asked what goals he still has to accomplish in professional wrestling, Copeland said one of his biggest goals is to leave the industry in a better place than he found it.

“So, yeah, there’s still goals,” Adam Copeland said. “And that’s cool. That’s fun. That’s the challenge of it. And there’s the aspect of trying to leave the industry a better place, or at least adding something to it to further it along. And whether that’s just passing on knowledge or helping a character or a young talent, find their voice. That’s really fun.

“I felt like with AEW, there was a huge opportunity for that. And this isn’t a comparison to anything. It just feels like I can help more with AEW, and that’s exciting to me. I’ve told everybody, and everybody knows this, and this is still open to WWE talent. Everybody knows if you want to pick my brain, I’m always here.

“If anybody wants to pick my brain, just like so many veteran talent let me pick their brains when I was coming in. That’s part of the gig now. And that’s a really fun, exciting part of the gig to see lightbulbs go off for people when you say something.”

READ MORE: Adam Copeland Wanted To End His Career With Christian Cage: That’s The Dream

What do you make of Adam Copeland’s comments? Do you think his presence in the locker room is going to be a positive one in All Elite Wrestling? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.


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