chris jericho
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Lance Storm Can’t Have A Retirement Match With Chris Jericho If The Ocho Never Retires

Lance Storm is ready to have his retirement match against Chris Jericho if the All Elite Wrestling star ever wants to call it a career.

IMPACT Wrestling Producer Lance Storm was a recent guest on INSIGHT with Chris Van Vliet. When asked about his past with Chris Jericho, Storm spoke about the first time the two men ever met.

“We all stayed at a hotel,” Lance Storm began. “Well, there was two people from Calgary who lived in Calgary, but we all stayed in a hotel in Okotoks, Alberta, which is you know, it’s basically a bedroom community now. And it was this crappy hotel and I got picked up at the airport and taken to this hotel and every person I see when I get there is a skinny little kid, big fat guy. Like no one looked like an athlete at all.

“And I had no again you didn’t have internet, you didn’t know that. That’s what all wrestling schools look like. I was you know, and I trained and was in good shape. It’s like I’m expecting to show up at like an NFL camp right where I’m like, praying to God I’m in good enough shape to hang. And then I see this and because my stepdad had looked into the power plant and looked into the Hart Brothers, I chose Hart Brothers because Stampede had a rep for smaller guys and staying in Canada made it easier.

“But I went to the end of the hallway there was a fire escape. And I’m standing on the fire escape and in my mind, I’m thinking I’ve made a huge mistake. This place is a joke. So I’m in my mind going, can I change my flight? Can I, you know, I’ll call my stepdad. I’ll see if he can get me into the Power Plant. I need to get the hell out of here. And then this green beat-up-looking 76 Volare pulls into the parking lot, and out jumps Chris Jericho.

“I see a kid that clearly goes to the gym and clearly looks like an athlete. And I’m like, running down the fire escape to meet this person. Because maybe if there’s someone else here that has a hope in hell, then maybe I didn’t make a mistake. So I ran down and introduced myself to Chris and helped him carry his trunk of clothes and stuff out of the trunk of his car, and helped him move in. And it’s like, if not for seeing him, I probably would have been on a plane back home the next day.”

Chris Jericho and Lance Storm have a pact

When asked about the pact that Jericho and he would have their first and last match together, Storm joked they can’t have that match if Jericho never retires.

“Yes, that’s sort of the running joke between us,” Lance Storm said. “Because we’ve over the years have made a pact, because our very first match was against each other. We did like a 10 or a 15-minute draw, I don’t remember which in Ponoka, Alberta out here. And I’ve always contended that it would be cool. Especially because we know each other still to do our last match with each other too and have us both bookend our careers.

“And on one of the Talk is Jericho podcast as well as recently just personally, we’ve sort of, you know, what’s the word, reaffirmed the pact to do it. But I keep joking with them. It’s like, Dude, you have to retire at some point, or I’m not going to be able to do it. You know, you’ve got to retire inside the next five or 10 years, dude, or I’m not going to be. I don’t want to do it at 75.”

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What do you make of Lance Storm’s comments? Would you like to see another match between Lance Storm and Chris Jericho? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.