AEW Dynamite 6 28
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AEW Dynamite Results (6/28/23): Chris Jericho And Sting Clash In Tornado Tag

Backstage, Hangman Page and the Young Bucks comment on their win at AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door. They issue an open challenge for a trios match, and Dark Order accepts. Evil Uno and Alex Reynolds get heated as they say Hangman was their friend, and he ditched them for The Elite.

A video package highlights Bryan Danielson’s match with Kazuchika Okada at AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door.

Backstage, Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara are interviewed by Renee Paquette. Jericho comments on sharing the ring with Sting at AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door and says facing each other on TBS is poetic. Jericho says he’s tapping into his “primordial ooze”, and Sting will face “The Painmaker” tonight. He vows to leave Sting a bloody mess.

The Young Bucks & Hangman Page vs. Dark Order (Evil Uno, John Reynolds, and John Silver)

Reynolds and Nick Jackson feel each other out. They’re evenly matched early on. Silver tags in and points to Hangman, as he clearly wants a piece of Page. Silver takes Page to the mat. They battle for positioning Silver catches Page with a stiff shot to the face. Dark Order takes control, but the Young Bucks work together to swing the momentum back in their favor. Uno drops the Bucks with a double clothesline. Page argues with Uno and drops off the apron, but he stays at ringside. Nick and Matt Jackson dive onto Dark Order at ringside. Matt tells Page to get his head in the game. Hangman tags in, and he’s clearly conflicted. He quickly tags out. The Young Bucks maintain the advantage.

Uno tags in and clears house with a flurry of offense. Uno drops Nick Jackson with a piledriver, but Hangman breaks up the pin. Uno argues with Page and gets in his face. He hits Hangman, who tags in and takes the fight to Uno. Dark Order rallies, and Uno takes Matt out with a senton. Silver, Reynolds, and Uno gang up on Page. The Young Bucks break up a triple-team move. Page drills Silver with a lariat. Page sets up the Buckshot Lariat, but he hesitates. Silver counters and rolls Hangman up for a near fall. Page spikes Silver with a Deadeye. The Bucks hit Silver with the BTE Trigger. Page gets the win with the Buckshot Lariat.

Winners: The Young Bucks & Hangman Page

Blackpool Combat Club attacks Page and the Bucks, Jon Moxley gouges Hangman with a screwdriver, and Dark Order walks away. Konosuke Takeshita fights alongside Blackpool Combat Club. Eddie Kingston tries to make the save, but he’s outnumbered. His arm gets stomped in a chair. Moxley says it’s time to finish this, and he issues the challenge for a Blood and Guts match on the July 19 episode of AEW Dynamite.

In a video package, Samoa Joe and Roderick Strong discuss their match on AEW Collision. Powerhouse Hobbs and Dustin Rhodes also preview their bout, as do Ricky Starks and Juice Robinson.

Backstage, Roderick Strong tells Adam Cole he can’t trust MJF. The AEW World Champion interrupts and tells Cole they should get out of there. MJF and Cole leave together.

“Jungle Boy” Jack Perry comes to the ring. His typical theme plays, but he cuts it off and says the fans ruined it, so they’ll never hear it again. Perry says he’s still cashing checks and “banging the hottest bitch.” Perry questions whether he turned on HOOK, or if everyone turned on him.

He calls HOOK a prick and says the FTW Championship isn’t officially recognized, and he says HOOK is a fraud. Perry says JungleHOOK was special because of him, and HOOK was lucky to be in the ring with him. He turns his attention to Taz before saying he’s going to take the title from HOOK. HOOK charges the ring, and Perry runs away. HOOK interrupts and chases Perry into the crowd. The camera follows them backstage, and Perry drives away.

Ruby Soho (with Toni Storm and Saraya) vs. Alexia Nicole

Soho takes Nicole to the mat and hits her with a series of strikes. She dominates the action. Storm interferes at ringside. Soho dumps Nicole with a suplex. Soho gets a glove from the referee and makes Nicole tap out to Britt Baker’s Lockjaw.

Winner: Ruby Soho

Soho gets a microphone and notes that Britt Baker missed the show because she was sick. She says she hopes Baker and Adam Cole never have kids, as they would be “weak bastards.” Soho looks back on her first match with Baker and says she loves who she is now. She calls Baker a shell of her former self. Soho says Baker barely beat her last year, but The Outcasts have taken everything from Baker, and she’s going to take Britt’s chance to win the tournament away from her.

Backstage, QT Marshall and Johnny TV discuss his arrival and preview their match on AEW Rampage.

Tornado Tag Team Match: “The Painmaker” Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara vs. Darby Allin & Sting

Allin charges Guevara and takes him to the outside with a dropkick. Jericho and Sting get into a bat fight. Allin and Sting double-team Jericho. Guevara takes out Allin with a cutter. Jericho and Guevara gang up on Sting and take control of the action. Jericho suplexes Allin onto the apron. Guevara takes the fight to Allin in the crowd. Jericho and Sting fight in the crowd as well. Guevara drops Allin with a cutter on the floor. Allin fires back with a Coffin Drop on the floor. Sting hits a Stinger Splash on Jericho into the barricade.

Allin and Sting set up two tables, and Darby climbs up a tall ladder. Sting climbs up the ladder and dives off, sending Guevara through a table with a splash.

Allin uses a skateboard and leaps onto Jericho. Jericho hits Allin with a ladder. Jericho knocks Allin out of the ring with the Judas Effect. Sting sneaks up behind Jericho, who locks him in the Walls of Jericho. Sting reaches a bat and hits Jericho with it. Sting hits the Stinger Splash. Jericho catches Sting with the Codebreaker. Sting counters the Judas Effect into the Scorpion Death Drop for a two count. Sting locks Jericho in the Scorpion Death Lock and makes him tap out.

Winners: Darby Allin and Sting

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