WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results (4/17/23)

In-Ring Segment: Cody Rhodes

Rhodes asks the WWE Universe what they want to talk about. Rhodes wants Lesnar in the ring right now. Adam Pearce interrupts. Pearce says he can’t let Rhodes do this. Rhodes isn’t medically cleared to be here tonight. Rhodes says ok, and he’ll leave. The crowd boos as Rhodes walks down the ring steps. Rhodes turns around and pulls a chair from under the ring. Pearce begs Rhodes to leave.

Rhodes rolls in the ring with the chair. Pearce says is Rhodes won’t leave, he will have to have him removed. WWE “Security” runs down to the ring and surrounds Rhodes. Brock Lesnar’s music hits. Lesnar walks out on the stage. Pearce tells Rhodes to stop, and he’ll give Rhodes’ a match against Lesnar at Backlash. Lesnar laughs and begs Rhodes to come get him. Security tries to remove Rhodes. Rhodes beats down security with the chair.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE Raw Results (4/10/23)

Security tries to hold Rhodes back, but he clears them out. Rhodes runs up the ramp and lunges at Lesnar. Security cuts Rhodes off and pulls him back to ringside. Lesnar tips his hat and walks away. Rhodes goes nuts and starts clubbing the security team. He grabs a mic and says Lesnar can parade around here in a cowboy hat, but he’s no cowboy. Rhodes grew up around cowboys. Lesnar is a coward.

Seth “Freakin” Rollins vs. The Miz

The Miz attacks Rollins before the bell rings. Rollins avoids Miz’s corner clothesline. Rollins sends Miz out of the ring. Miz gets to his feet. Rollins lands multiple suicide dives. After the break, Miz sets up the Skull Crushing Finale on the top rope. Rollins reverses it into a superplex into a falcon arrow. Rollins lands the Stomp for the win.

Winner- Seth Rollins

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