Sammy Guevara
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Sammy Guevara Wanted To Get Thrown Out Of A Helicopter For Stadium Stampede

Sammy Guevara has come up with some crazy ideas in an effort to create some memorable moments in the ring.

Speaking with MuscleManMalcolm, Sammy Guevara was asked if there were any spots he wanted to do that ultimately didn’t get approved for one reason or another. Guevara mentioned his match with Matt Hardy got cut short because of Hardy’s injury, but the finish would have been much bigger than expected.

“Really, the ladder match, people thought it was crazy. I wanted it to be a lot crazier. But due to time constraints and whatnot, we had to cut a lot of stuff. There’s one thing, in the infamous Sammy Guevara versus Matt Hardy match at All Out [2020], I was actually gonna get thrown off the tip of the Daily’s Place,” Guevara said. “That’s how the match was gonna end. Unfortunately, because of the accident that happened earlier in the match, we had to go straight for a different finish. But I want to go back to Daily’s Place just to go get thrown off of it one day. One day. A guy can dream.”

Asked if he enjoys taking huge bumps like that, Guevara said he enjoys doing things like that but he’s glad people in AEW temper his expectations.

“It’s something me and Darby [Allin] have in common. It’s like, people say, ‘You shouldn’t do this for the people.’ It’s like, ‘The f-ck? I’m doing this for me.’ Him and I, we’re two crazy dudes, especially if you’re gonna give us the world that we have in AEW, where we have so much freedom and creativity. It’s like you can kind of think of the craziest thing, and they’ll bring you back to reality, like ‘Alright, that’s not possible.’ Stadium Stampede, the first one, I wanted to get thrown off the top of the stadium. But that stadium, [it’s] 200 feet in the air, something like that. I was like, ‘Yeah, that’s how I wanna lose. I wanna get thrown off of it.’ They’re like, ‘You’ll literally die.’ So I couldn’t do that. I also wanted to get thrown out of a helicopter in Stadium Stampede 2, but they wouldn’t allow that with insurances and stuff.

“They’re letting Tom Cruise do all this crazy stuff, do his own stunts. So why not me? He’s 60, so there’s no reason I can’t. But I will say, I have a beautiful wife that will definitely keep me in line to not do too much crazy stuff now. Not that she won’t let me do some crazy stuff, but she’s like, ‘Hey, we want to have a family one day. Do you want to be in a wheelchair when we have a family? Or would you like to walk around?’ I’m like, yeah, I’d like to walk around.”

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