WWE SmackDown Results

WWE SmackDown Results (2/24/23)

WWE SmackDown Results
February 24, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (2/17/23)

Backstage, Kayla Braxton is waiting for Jimmy Uso to arrive. Jimmy walks in, and Kayla asks him if he has spoken to his brother Jey. Jimmy says he’s called and texted Jey but to no avail. He left Jey a message asking him to meet him in the ring tonight. Jey can say whatever he needs to say then.

Madcap Moss, Ricochet, and Braun Strowman vs. IMPERIUM

Moss and Vinci start the match. After both men run the ropes, Moss floors Vinci with a shoulder block. Ricochet tags in and lands a slingshot. Ricochet lands a standing moonsault for a near fall. As he attempts to tag in Strowman, Vinci grabs Ricochet’s leg. Vinci destroys Ricochet with a lariat. Kaiser tags in and works over Ricochet.

Ricochet tries a backflip head scissor, but Kaiser avoids it and chops him in the throat. Kaiser slaps Strowman while he’s on the apron. Strowman tries to rush the ring, but the referee holds him back. Kaiser and Vinci high/low Ricochet on the apron. Gunther suplexes Ricochet on the apron for good measure. After the break, IMPERIUM takes turns beating down Ricochet.

Drew McIntyre walks out on the stage to watch the match. Ricochet manages to tag in Strowman. Strowman clears the ring. Gunther chops Strowamn, but he has no effect. Gunther lands another chop that makes Strowman wince. Sleeper by Strowman. Moss gets the tag and breaks it up. Gunther powerbombs Moss for the win.


After the match, Gunther holds the Intercontinental Championship in McIntyre’s direction. McIntyre takes his jacket off and makes his way to the ring. Erik and Ivar attack McIntyre from behind. Sheamus runs down to ringside to make the save.

In-Ring Segment: LA Knight

Knight says this is the season everyone is talking about their WrestleMania moment. He isn’t here for a moment, he’s here for money and fame. You can’t have an LA WrestleMania without LA Knight. He’s going to give WrestleMania an LA Knight moment. The New Day interrupts. Kingston makes fun of Knight for being on the roster for two months and whining about a WrestleMania moment. This leads Kingston to challenge Knight for a match after Knight dumps on Kofi Mania.

LA Knight vs. Kofi Kingston w/Xavier Woods

Knight floors Kingston with a shoulder block. Kingston responds with a flying back elbow. Kingston lands a splash on Knight’s back. He follows that with a froggy crossbody off the top for a near fall. Knight catches Kingston with an elbow smash. Kingston tries to fire up, but Knight cuts him off with a stiff powerslam. Knight works over Kingston. After the break, Knight continues his assault. Knight gets in Woods’ face outside the ring and begs him to hit him so Kingston can get disqualified.

Slingshot shoulder tackle by Knight. Kingston kicks out. Kingston surprises Knight with a popup knee. A flurry of strikes by Kingston. Boom drop by Kingston. Kingston calls for Trouble in Paradise. Knight avoids it and hits a popup uranage. Kingston kicks out. Knight attacks Woods outside the ring. Knight goes up top. Woods distracts Knight with his trombone. Kingston hits Trouble in Paradise for the win.

Winner- Kofi Kingston

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