AEW Dynamite 11 30
Image Credit: AEW

AEW Dynamite Results (11/30/22): MJF, Jon Moxley, The Elite, And More

All Elite Wrestling will deliver a star-studded episode of AEW Dynamite.

AEW World Championship MJF will speak, and Samoa Joe will defend the TNT Championship against AR Fox. Plus, Bryan Danielson will face Dax Harwood, and Death Triangle will battle The Elite in the third match of their Best of Seven series.

The results are as follows:

In-Ring Segment: Jon Moxley

Moxley comes to the ring and notes that he only grew up around 90 miles away, so he used to wrestle in the area all the time. He says the three certainties in life are death, taxes, and Jon Moxley. “Mox” says no one can out-wrestle him or out-bleed him. He makes it clear that he’s at the top of the food chain, and the AEW ring belongs to him. Moxley says nobody can match him, and Hangman Page comes to the ring. Hangman Page comes to the ring and confronts Mox, and Moxley asks him if he’s sure he wants to do this. Hangman drops Moxley with a punch and takes the fight to him. They brawl until they’re separated by officials. They break free and keep fighting, and security eventually pulls them apart.

Bryan Danielson vs. Dax Harwood (with Cash Wheeler)

Harwood and Danielson lock up and feel each other out. Harwood avoids the LeBell Lock and goes for a Sharpshooter, but Danielson reaches the ropes. He chops Danielson, and they trade blows. Danielson fires back with some strikes. Harwood gets a two count with a crossbody. Danielson sends Harwood to the outside and dives onto him, knocking Dax over the barricade. Harwood suplexes Danielson. The match returns to the ring, and Harwood takes control. Harwood suplexes Danielson. “The American Dragon” counters a powerbomb, but Harwood powerbombs him. Danielson hits a running knee off the apron and chops Harwood.  He drills Harwood with some elbows and goes for a back superplex, but Harwood counters. Danielson rolls through the pin attempt and gets a two count.

They trade stiff blows, and both men collapse after a double lariat. The two competitors keep countering each other. Danielson gets a two count with a kick to the head. Harwood gets a two count with a Liger Bomb. They exchange pin attempts as they roll around the canvas. Danielson transitions and traps Harwood in the LeBell Lock, forcing him to tap out.

Winner: Bryan Danielson

Harwood and Danielson embrace and shake hands.

Ricky Starks announces that he’s entering the Dynamite Diamond Ring Battle Royale because he’s coming for everything MJF has.

After a commercial, Hangman Page is walking backstage,  and he restarts his brawl with Jon Moxley until they’re separated again.

In an interview, Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta are sitting across from Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, and Jake Hager. Menard says Castagnoli could be anything he wants once he joins the Jericho Appreciation Society; he could even be a yodeler. Castagnoli gets fired up, saying he’s tired of these sit-down interviews. He storms off. Garcia challenges Yuta and Claudio to a tag team match. Yuta agrees and challenges Garcia to a match for the ROH Pure Championship at Final Battle.

TNT Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. AR Fox

Joe drives Fox into the corner with some strikes. He overpowers the challenger and drops him with a punch. Fox evades a clothesline and goes for a dive to the outside, and while Joe dodges it, Fox lands on his feet. He kicks Joe, but the champion sweeps his leg and hits a running senton. Joe continues to control the match by grounding Fox. He gets a two count with a slam. Fox rallies with a leaping DDT. He kicks Joe and drops him with a cutter. Fox hits a 450 Splash for a two count. Joe blasts him with a back elbow and hits the Muscle Buster for the win.

Winner and still TNT Champion: Samoa Joe

Joe grabbed a microphone and proclaimed that he’s the king of television. Wardlow appears on the video screen and says he’s coming for what’s his. He tells Joe that it’s Wardlow’s world.

A video package highlights Powerhouse Hobbs’ background. He says he’s coming for what belongs to him.

The broadcast team highlights FTW Champion HOOK’s recent win over Lee Moriarty.

In-Ring Segment: MJF

William Regal comes to the ring and introduces AEW World Champion MJF. The champion comes to the ring and tells the fans to shut up. He reveals that Regal sent him an email after The Firm attacked him, in which he told MJF that he could become the greatest villain of this generation. In the email, Regal told him to grab the brass ring. MJF says Regal told him to use the brass knuckles at AEW Full Gear in order to leave Jon Moxley with an emotional scar. He turns his attention to The Firm and says he respects the group for attacking him when he was weak. MJF says he’s not the type to chase anyone down.

He discusses his title win and says he wanted to make some changes. MJF says the title itself makes him want to gag, as none of the former champions were on his level. He says the title is garbage, and he drops it to the ground. MJF introduces a new world championship and calls it the Big Burberry Belt, and it’s the most important title in the industry.

He says no one deserves to hold it more than him. MJF says Eddie Kingston will never be a world champion, and he calls Ricky Starks a fake star. He calls Bryan Danielson a fake wrestler and says, compared to him, Danielson couldn’t wrestle his way out of a paper bag. MJF says that as long as he’s in AEW, nobody else will know what it’s like to be on top. He says he’ll hold the title until the bidding war of 2024, and he will use the title to get the biggest contract in wrestling. He says he hopes the right Khan foots the bill, and he’s not talking about Tony; he’s talking about Saint Nick and “Trips”. He also teases that he could leave for Hollywood. MJF says even his fans’ happiness will turn to resentment because they’re fickle, as they will turn on him. He says everyone will keep tuning to watch AEW, hoping to see him lose. MJF says he’s a special attraction, so he won’t wrestle very often. He makes it clear that most of his title matches will be on pay-per-view. MJF vows to have a reign that will make those of Hulk Hogan and JBL seem short and sweet. He calls Bruno Sammartino a “schmuck” and says his reign of terror has just begun.

MJF credits Regal for making this possible before he blindsides him with a shot to the back of the head. He says Regal made a deal with the devil. MJF tells Regal to send him his “stuff” once he’s a top talent, just as Regal told him in an email years ago. The medical team checks on Regal, and Bryan Danielson comes to the ring as well.

Regal gets loaded onto a stretcher and taken to the back. After a commercial, he is driven away in an ambulance.

Ricky Starks vs. Ari Daivari

Before the match, Stokely Hathaway, Ethan Page, and Matt Hardy come to the stage. Page reminds Hardy that they “own” him and vows to win the Dynamite Diamond Ring Battle Royale. He says he’s going to win the ring. Daivari takes the fight to Starks, but the former FTW Champion fires back with a Spear and hits the Roshambo for the win.

Winner: Ricky Starks

Backstage, Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter were standing by for an interview. Hayter told Tony Schiavone to interview her next week.

Willow Nightingale vs. Anna Jay A.S. (wih Tay Melo)

Willow drops Jay with a shoulder tackle and gains an early advantage. She hits some short-arm lariat and dumps Jay with a back suplex. A crossbody earns Willow a two count. Willow hits some hip attacks. Jay takes control with a flipping neckbreaker. Melo hits Willow with a cheap shot when the referee isn’t looking. Jay continues to ground Willow. The fan-favorite rallies, and the two women trade strikes. Willow hits a hip attack and a lariat in the corner. She drops Jay with a big boot. Willow get a two count with a spinebuster. Jay slams her face-first for a two count. She goes for the Queenslayer, but Willow counters. Melo distracts Willow, and Jay tries to capitalize with a pin attempt, but Willow kicks out. Willow hits a lariat and drops Jay with the Doctor Bomb for the win.

Winner: Willow Nightingale

After the match, Ruby Soho returns and attacks Melo. She dropped her with a Destination Unknown on the ramp.

AEW Dynamite Results Continue On The Next Page!