WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (11/15/22)

At Chase U, Andre Chase questions Duke Hudson about why he threw in the towel during his match last week. Hudson assures Chase that it’s not what he thinks. He had to do that because he knows Chase doesn’t know how to quit. Chase says ok. Thea Hail tells Chase that Hudson is starting to grow on her.

Backstage, Apollo Crews walks into Breakker’s locker room. Crews says he came back to NXT for the NXT Championship. When one challenge ends, another one begins.

Indus Sher vs. George Cannon and his unnamed partner

Sanga and Maahan toss Cannon all over the ring. Mahaan and Sanga pancake Cannon in the ring. Mahaan sends Cannon into the corner to tag his partner. His partner refuses to tag. Mahaan grabs his hand and forces him to. Mahaan tosses this kid clear across the ring. Sanga and Mahaan destroy both men. They mercifully end it with a backbreaker/flying elbow combo.

Winners- Indus Sher

After the match, Mahaan and Sanga complain about not having the respect of the NXT Universe. They are going to beat respect out of The Creeds.

Backstage, Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley try to convince Brutus and Julius Creed to focus on getting their tag titles back. The Creeds will hear none of it. They want to teach Indus Sher a lesson, then focus on Pretty Deadly.

Backstage, Wendy Choo says some of what Cora Jade said last week cut deep. It reminded her of stuff she hasn’t heard since high school. Anyone who can’t understand that she just likes to have fun needs to look in the mirror. Choo wants Jade to look in the mirror after their match next week. Because she’s going to have two black eyes.

JD McDonagh vs. Apollo Crews

McDonagh and Crews trade arm drags and takedowns. Crews drops down, and McDonagh puts on the breaks. McDonagh drops an elbow on Crews. Crews fires up, and McDonagh rolls out of the ring. Crews tries a moonsault off the apron, but McDonagh moves. Crews lands on his feet and pulls McDonagh off the apron into his arms. Crews tosses McDonagh into the commentary desk. After the break, Crews hits a moonsault off the apron. Crews lands a double powerbomb for a near fall.

McDonagh sends Crews out of the ring. PK by McDonagh. McDonagh lands an Asai moonsault. McDonagh goes up top. Crews cuts him off and sends him flying with an Olympic slam off the top. Crews runs into a Spanish fly by McDonagh. Crews kicks out. McDonagh tries a moonsault. Crews moves out of the way. Crews hits a sky-high spinebuster for the win.

Winner- Apollo Crews

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