WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results (10/31/22)

In-Ring Segment: JBL

JBL goes on a rant about how great his home town Texas is. The Texas crowd goes nuts… until he notes the snowflakes have come along and turned Texas into an embarrassment. JBL introduces Baron Corbin. Corbin walks to the ring and calls himself a wrestling god. He has it all while everyone in Texas has so very little. Corbin says he’s going to tell us the truth.

So naturally, R-Truth’s music hits and he dances to the ring. Truth is dressed like a cowboy. Truth says he wanted to tell them both that he likes their Halloween costumes. JBL says they aren’t wearing any. Truth says JBL is dressed like an angry, out-of-touch old man. Before Truth can say what Corbin is Corbin tries to attack him. Truth easily fights off Corbin. JBL distracts Truth long enough for Corbin to drop him with End of Day.

Backstage, Damage CTRL us having a meeting with… Nikki Cross of all people.

Trick or Street Fight: Matt Riddle w/Elias vs. Otis w/Chad Gable

Riddle is dressed like Ezekial and Elias is not amused. Gable and Otis are dressed like Patrick Swayse and Chris Farley from that one SNL skit from 298 years ago. Riddle takes out Gable and Otis with a springboard floating bro to the outside area. After the break, Otis lands the classic caterpillar. Gable gets on the apron and clotheslines Riddle. Elias knees Gable off the apron through a table. Elias puts a pumpkin on Otis’ head. Riddle RKOs pumpkin head Otis for the win.

Winner- Matt Riddle

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