jon moxley
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Brett Lauderdale Believes Jon Moxley Will Return To GCW, Just Not As Often As Before

Brett Lauderdale is grateful for all of Jon Moxley‘s contributions to Game Changer Wrestling and hopes that he’ll work there again in the future despite his new All Elite Wrestling contract.

Game Changer Wrestling owner Brett Lauderdale was a recent guest on The Business of the Business Podcast to discuss a wide variety of subjects. When asked about Jon Moxley’s run as GCW Champion, Lauderdale said he loved it and that every time Moxley appeared, he made the company seem like a big deal.

“Yeah, one thing about Mox’s run. I know there are a lot of people that wish that he could have been at every show, but we have to be realistic here,” Brett Lauderdale said. “This guy’s one of the top stars of a weekly television wrestling company, and he’s not going to be able to make every show. He has commitments, real-life commitments, and professional commitments that extend beyond GCW.

“So as I saw it, I loved him being champion for that entire time because it made it seem extra special every time he would come, and every time he would have a match put the title on the line to me, it seemed like a bigger deal than had you been there every week, or every show or once a month. But yes, it was also significant having him for obvious reasons.

“He’s one of the biggest stars in the world. So to see him wearing our title belt and wearing GCW sweatshirts on TV and doing crazy matches for us when he doesn’t have to do them. It obviously is a big deal for GCW, and it opens eyes. It takes us beyond the indie wrestling bubble and introduces new fans to us that would never otherwise know what GCW is.

“And furthermore, I mean, when other wrestlers, AEW wrestlers or just top name, international talent, or even just top indie wrestlers, when they see Moxley willing to come and do GCW knowing that the guy doesn’t need the money, it’s not about a payday, and they see that he does it because he wants to be there. Obviously, it helps GCW’s credibility and helps our reputation amongst wrestlers and inside the business. So Mox, again, his contributions to GCW also extended beyond the ring.”

When asked if he had any prior knowledge about Jon Moxley signing a new five-year deal with All Elite Wrestling, Lauderdale admits that he didn’t know ahead of time but believes we’ll see Moxley wrestle again for Game Changer Wrestling in the future.

“I had no idea,” Brett Lauderdale said. “I’ve had very little interaction with AEW itself over the years, and booking Moxley, I never spoke to AEW. So it was always just Mox talking to him and him, I guess, handling whatever needed to be handled with AEW. But yeah, I’m sure things are gonna change now. I don’t think we’ll see him as frequently.

“But I do think we’ll see him again. I think if there comes a time where there’s somebody he wants to wrestle or a show he wants to be a part of. I think he’ll be there. I think he’ll let me know in much the same way that he’s let me know over the last whatever it was 399 days. He’ll shoot me a text and say, what do you got coming up in this month? Or when are you going to be in this place?

“And that’s how it would often come together. So I wouldn’t be surprised if I hear from him again in a few months or six months or whatever, sometime in the next year. I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes back again and stops in for another event. But again, he does have priorities, and I don’t expect it. Rather, I wouldn’t be surprised. But I’ll continue to look at it as a bonus anytime he comes around.”

When asked what his current relationship with All Elite Wrestling is, Lauderdale admits that he doesn’t really know, but he’s grateful for all the talent that have worked for his company over the years.

“I don’t know. I’ll be honest; the real honest answer is I don’t know what our relationship is with AEW,” Brett Lauderdale said. “And I don’t mean that in a bad way or a good way. But again, I have very little direct interaction with AEW. So I don’t know. In terms of there being AEW people being banned or barred for GCW, I’m not sure that such an edict exists. And I would think that if that was a rule, I would think I would know, but again, they don’t send me a weekly email or an update.

“So I’m not sure everything’s just kind of on a case-by-case basis. So we’ll see. I mean, I’m, I think that we’re very fortunate. I’m very grateful for all the times that they have been gracious to allow their talent to come and work for us, and even if it is the end, even if we’re not going to be seen any other people around anymore, it’s been good well lasted, and it’s helped our company a lot and, and, um, yeah, and I’m thankful and grateful for that.”

READ MORE: Jon Moxley Signs Five-Year Extension With AEW, Includes Coaching And Mentorship Role

What do you make of Brett Lauderdale’s comments? Do you wish the current relationship between All Elite Wrestling and Game Changer Wrestling is better than it currently is? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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