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Sam Adonis Shares His Philosophy On How To Keep Part Of The Allure As A Heel

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Sam Adonis is all about appearances.

During a recent interview with WrestleZone, Sam Adonis spoke about the idea of heels keeping up appearances and how they’re still involved in selling merchandise. Adonis said that he believes there’s a certain allure of keeping some distance, and it comes from something he learned as a kid coming up in the wrestling business.

“And this goes to… this is just my personal views. It’s almost like certain aspects of wrestling are so beyond what I’m used to. When I was a kid, my dad used to hate when wrestlers would sell merchandise. He would hate it. He would say ‘You’re not selling your own merchandise. Bring your wife or your girlfriend, bring your kid, whoever selling your merchandise, because to a child that’s coming to see that independent show, you’re a star,’ you know? It kind of takes away the allure when the star that you’re paying money to watch is out there asking you for $25 for a T-shirt. And that’s kind of been my philosophy.

“I don’t really like… I do the meet and greets, and have no problem meeting fans and love getting pictures, love meeting everybody. But I just can’t stand the concept of having to try to push merchandise. Because to me, if I’m really doing my job, well, the guy I’m wrestling is selling more merchandise, you know? And he’s kicking ass. But, I still think there’s a little bit of that allure to it, you know, it’s just kind of good to keep that distance. And I think people are so focused on today’s dollar, ‘I need to make the extra merch money today,’ that they almost kill their star power or appeal. And they may, long term, might not have the star value that they could potentially have.”

Sam Adonis recently made his MLW debut at Fightland on October 30. Check out our full interview with him at the top of this post.

Read More: MLW Fightland 2022 Results: Title Change, Sam Adonis Debuts


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