sam adonis

Sam Adonis Had The Stars Align For His MLW Debut, Wants To Prove Himself To US Fans

Sam Adonis is ready to show MLW fans what they’ve been missing.

During a recent interview with WrestleZone, AAA star Sam Adonis spoke about how his Major League Wrestling debut came together. Adonis, who will be in action at the promotion’s Fightland event, said the working relationship is something that has been in the works for several years.

“I’m quite excited for the 30th of October because, like you said, I will be debuting for MLW. MLW is a place that I’ve probably been in contact with for the past four or five years, trying to come in for certain dates, but nothing was ever able to work itself out. I’ve been primarily obligated to Mexico for the better part of six years and Konnan is actually a big part of the behind-the-scenes of MLW. He’s also the main booker and main producer at AAA and he bartered a special deal for me [to come to MLW]. The stars have aligned, if you will.

“I’m very much looking forward to this opportunity and more than anything, I’m looking for the opportunity to show the American fans that aren’t really aware of me what I’m all about. I think I have more of a reputation of, ‘Oh there’s Corey Graves’ brother’ and the guy that wrestles in Mexico. That has followed me so long and I think this is the perfect opportunity to break that preconceived notion.”

Adonis spoke more in detail about his family ties and where his career has taken him, noting that he earned respect from his peers and now hopes to earn it from domestic fans.

“It’s been, in a way, a dark cloud over my career because I feel like if I was not related to somebody that was active on the WWE roster, or so tied into the mainstream wrestling public, I feel like I would be seen in a different light and almost respected more for my personal accolades. Through the grapevine, in the big system in WWE and the wrestling world it’s, ‘Oh yeah, Graves has a brother in Mexico.’ They know of what I’m doing and heard what I’ve done, but very few people actually take the time to sit down and enjoy my body of work. If you were to look at my personal career, four years of All-Star Wrestling in the UK, two years with CMLL, two tours of All-Japan and a year and a half with AAA, all without a contract, that’s pretty impressive. Guys don’t get those opportunities and I think I can be very well respected by veterans, the ones that are in the know, but to actually get some of the wrestling fans that might be conditioned to tune into whatever they see on the internet, whatever’s cool at the time, they might not be banging down the door to see Sam Adonis matches.”

Sam Adonis said there’s no set schedule for his MLW appearances, noting that it’s more like a mutual agreement between the promotions, who would use him based on their respective schedules.

“There’s really no set agreement as far as what’s necessary, but AAA TV is always [running] 2-3 tapings a month. The fact that I’m living in the United States, I’m not on all of them. I come in for some of the bigger shows at outside tours, it all just — it’s basically a gentlemen’s agreement. They know and they are very aware of what my expectations are and I’m very aware of what theirs are. We were able to meet in the middle and I’m really looking forward to it,” Adonis said.

Adonis said Mexico was really good to him and it’s a bit more of a wider appeal, while MLW does have a different kind of reach through the internet.

“There’s so much talent in MLW. You have Alex Hammerstone and Jacob Fatu, the guys that I cannot wait to wrestle with on high-profile events. These guys have so much talent. I almost look at MLW in the same vein as ECW in the late ‘90s. It’s like a pit stop between WWE and WCW and you never know who is going to be rolling through those doors. At the end of the day, the talent is there. Everybody is world-class,” Adonis explained. “I think it’s cool, [MLW] is very self-aware of what they are and I think from what I’m gathering — I’m just the new guy — but everyone seems to be on the same page and it’s, ‘Let’s rock and roll while we can. Let’s give the best matches we can, we’ll give you killer events, great production, TV-quality matches’, but at the same time, it’s not a full-time touring company. It depends on what we get out of it, I’m just really looking forward to it.”

Adonis noted the many AAA wrestlers that are committed to MLW as well, naming Ares and Aramis as two of the talents that he could work one style in Mexico with, and have a completely different match for MLW. 

MLW Fightland takes place at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia on October 30. Check out our full video interview with Sam Adonis at the top of this post.

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