Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Wardlow: I’m Ready For The World To Feel A Hungrier, More Intense Version Of Myself

Wardlow is ready to show everyone in All Elite Wrestling a more intense version of himself.

AEW TNT Champion Wardlow recently sat down with the Daily Gazette to discuss a wide variety of subjects. When asked about his promo on Dynamite last week that was seemingly done to reestablish who he is as a character, Wardlow said he’s evolving and that’s something he felt everyone needed to know.

“Absolutely. There’s some changes,” he said. “I’m just entering a new era in my life. I’m evolving, things are changing. I’ve just become a hungrier, more intense version of myself, and I’m ready to display that and I’m ready to let the rest of the world feel that.”

When asked about his finisher, the Powerbomb Symphony, Wardlow said as a fan growing up, he knew how much it meant to him to feel like he was part of the show. His finisher is all about getting the crowd involved and invested in what he’s doing.

“It’s powerful, man,” he said. “As a fan my whole entire life of pro wrestling, I know what it meant for me anytime I got to feel like a part of the show. …. That’s what it’s really about, getting the crowd involved and making them feel close to what I get to feel. Making them a part of that is what it’s really about.”

During a recent interview with Stephanie Chase of Digital Spy, Wardlow also spoke about how he wants to face off with real competition and move beyond working just squash matches

“I told the fans I wanted to bring some respect back to the TNT title,” Wardlow said. “I think, just the fact that it’s in my possession, the respect level’s already up, the fact that Wardlow is the TNT champion makes the TNT Championship important. But realistically, I haven’t done anything to really say that I’ve done that. So beating Jay Lethal I think is a huge accomplishment, he’s one of the best wrestlers in the world so that feels important, that I feel is an accomplishment.

“But beyond that, I haven’t done anything since being TNT champion and I’m ready for some real competition. Like yeah, I’ll go in the ring, powerbomb somebody 10 times, put my foot on their chest and pin them,” he continued. “But guess what? I’ll go in there and I’ll work with whoever thinks they’re the hardest worker. You step in the ring with me, I’m not just squash matches, I can perform. So I’m ready to show that.”

READ MORE: Wardlow On Potential Trios Run With FTR: We’d Beat The Sh-t Out Of That Roster, No One’s Tougher

What do you make of Wardlow’s comments? Have you experienced Wardlow’s Powerbomb Symphony live? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.


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