Drew McIntyre WWE
Image Credit: WWE

Drew McIntyre Reflects On His Loss At WWE Clash At The Castle

Drew McIntyre was disappointed following his loss at WWE Clash at the Castle, but he focused on the positives of the situation.

At the premium live event, which was WWEs’ first stadium show in the United Kingdom in over 30 years, McIntyre challenged Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship. “The Scottish Warrior” almost scored the win on multiple occasions, but in the end, the interference of Solo Sikoa helped Reigns clinch the victory. After the match, McIntyre ended the show standing tall alongside Tyson Fury, and they sang together.

In an interview with Ariel Helwani of BT Sport, McIntyre shared his thoughts following his defeat. He noted that he had some feelings of frustration, but he appreciated the passionate crowd’s response. The former champion went on to note that Reigns would have a trick up his sleeve.

“I can say confidently, a few years ago, I would have freaked out,” McIntyre said. “I probably wouldn’t want to speak to anybody. I wouldn’t be doing any interviews or press conferences, and a little bit of a ‘Woe is me’ attitude and go full Bret Hart ‘97 and talking about getting screwed and how it’s BS. Maybe there are slight feelings there, that I didn’t get that moment I’ve been chasing. But when I took a step back when I got backstage and just had a moment by myself and thought about just walking out there and listening to the crowd all night and how wild they were. I had it in my head that I was like, I got a good feeling.

“These are my people, they’re gonna be behind me. But Roman’s very popular across the world. This could be like Brett and Bulldog where they were very much with Bret as well as Bulldog. They were not. They were right behind me. It was such a cool feeling, they were so loud, I knew the world was watching. I knew the match was physical, I could feel them biting on literally everything, and it would have been so sweet to get that win, to get that moment. I should have known better, that Roman had something up his sleeve. He did. He took that moment from me.”

The fan-favorite then emphasized that this setback isn’t the end, and he’ll keep pushing in his quest to get his moment, though je keeps getting knocked down. He emphasized that this adversity makes him stronger.

“But this isn’t the end,” McIntyre said. “I’m gonna keep pushing forward, I’ll never give up. I’ll find that moment. I’ll keep never stopping. As all the layers that keep getting added to Drew McIntyre, most of them involve getting knocked on his arse and having to get back up and keep pushing forward. It makes me stronger, it makes me stronger physically, and I’ll look for the positives right now. I’m very proud of the UK. Everyone’s talking about this show. There’s no sympathy for Drew McIntyre. Some people are going, ‘Why were you singing afterwards?’ I was like listen, when you’re down, all you’ve got left to do is sing and get serenaded as Tyson Fury looks deep into your soul. So yeah I’ll go on tonight, I’ll think about it. I’ll be annoyed, I’ll be upset. Then tomorrow, I’ll shower, fly back to America, and I’ve got some heads to kick in.”

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