Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Wardlow: When I Turn Heel Again I’m Going To Turn The Wrestling World Upside-Down

As the AEW TNT Champion, Wardlow has his sights set on the main event scene of All Elite Wrestling

Wardlow was a guest this morning on  The Zaslow Show on 560 Sports WQAM to discuss a wide variety of subjects. When asked about who he still wants to get into the ring and compete against in All Elite Wrestling, the TNT Champion specifically mentioned Kenny Omega and current AEW World Champion Jon Moxley.

“Kenny Omega is very, very high on that list. I think as far — now that’s something that’s very realistic and something I anticipate happening,” Wardlow said. “Jon Moxley is also at the top of that list. So I would say in AEW, it is Kenny Omega and Jon Moxley. I want those two more than anybody.”

Outside of All Elite Wrestling, Wardlow said he’d love to step into the ring with WWE Superstar Brock Lesnar at some point in the future. 

“Outside of that, as far as a dream match, I always saw Wardlow versus [Brock] Lesnar to be the biggest money match in the history of professional wrestling,” Wardlow said. “[laughs] So, that’d be my dream match.” 

When asked if he prefers working as a heel or babyface, Wardlow admits he loves what’s going on right now but warns when he eventually turns heel again that he’s going to turn the wrestling work upside down. 

“Oh man, I love what’s going on right now. To come out to an arena full of people chanting your name, it’s probably the most neat feeling a human could ever experience,” Wardlow said. “I am so blessed to experience, and I love it. It is addicting, and it is a drug, but I will say this — the day Wardlow turns heel is the day the wrestling world is going to get flipped upside-down. I’m going to be an absolute maniac, and the people aren’t even going to be ready for it.”

READ MORE: Wardlow Wants To Bring Wrestling Back Into ‘More Of A Mainstream Eye’

What do you make of Wardlow’s comments? Would you like to see a match between himself and Kenny Omega? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

If you use any of the quotes above, please credit The Zaslow Show with a link back to this article for the transcription.