WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (8/22/22)

Aliyah vs. Bayley

As soon as they lock up, Bayley slams Aliyah to the mat. Aliyah double legs Bayley and lands a few strikes. Bayley and Aliyah trade shots. Flipping head scissors by Aliyah. Bayley kicks out. Bayley works over Aliyah. Aliyah sends Bayley out of the ring. Wheelbarrow bulldog by Aliyah. Aliyah traps Bayley in a rolling crab. Bayley hits the Rose Plant for the win.

Winner- Bayley

AJ Styles and Bobby Lashley vs. Ciampa and The Miz

Styles kicks Ciampa in his face. Styles and Lashley lift Ciampa in the air for a double suplex. Ciampa struggles to escape. Styles walks away as Lashley holds Ciampa in the air for an extended period of time. Miz tags in and eats a flurry of strikes from Styles. Ushigorshi by Styles. Styles ends Miz out of the ring. Lashley press slams Ciampa over the top onto Miz. After the break, Miz and Ciampa are working over Styles.

Styles catches Miz with a Pelé kick. Lashley tags in and lands a furry of offense to Miz and Ciampa. Ciampa rolls out of the ring to avoid a Spear. Lashley drives Ciampa’s head into the ring post. Lashley tries another Spear but Miz pulls Ciampa out of the ring. Miz eats a clothesline out on the floor. Ciampa hits Willow’s Bell on Lashley. Lashley kicks out. Lashley Spears Ciampa.

Miz breaks up the pin. In the crowd, someone tries to grab Styles but they are taken away by security. Miz is laying up against the barricade, a security guard with a helmet on turns around and removes his helmet. It’s Dexter Lumis. Lumis rear naked chokes Miz and drags him into the crowd. The referee calls for the bell.

No Contest

After the match, Ciampa attacks Lashley. Styles lands a Phenomenal Forearm. Lashley Spears Ciampa.

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