Billy Corgan
Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Billy Corgan Says Issues With Zicky Dice Got Personal, But They’ve Moved Past It Now

The fallout between Billy Corgan and IMPACT Wrestling’s Zicky Dice was a very public one, but Corgan is ready to move past it.

NWA President Billy Corgan recently sat down with Sean Ross Sapp of Fightful to discuss a wide variety of subjects. When asked about the fallout with Zicky Dice, Corgan was very open about what went down between the two men.

First, Corgan explained how he wanted Zicky in the promotion and chose to put the NWA Television Championship on him during his time in the company. He said that Zicky went public with his issues with the NWA, and Corgan felt like it was something that should have been kept out of the public eye.

“I just don’t think that’s good business. I don’t think that was good for Zicky and I don’t think that it was good for the NWA. Additionally, and here’s where it gets difficult, I have to be very careful because of who I am in the world. If I send a text or I send an e-mail, and somebody decides to put that out in the world as ‘This is what happened with my [pan]’—and if anyone wants to look it up, enjoy that promo—suddenly, you’re in this weird situation where my celebrity amplifies something that is not actually a big deal. ‘So-and-so blasts Billy Corgan.’ ‘Billy Corgan fires back.’ I’m kind of in this weird position where I can’t really do what I would do, you know what I mean?

“Because anything I do will be viewed under a different microscope because of celebrity, not necessarily because of whether or not my response is right or wrong, fair or judicious. So I think what is great, we have Pat Kenny, who everyone knows as Simon Diamond from his time in ECW and WWF or E—whatever it was at the time—and Pat’s fantastic with talent relations. I think since Pat’s come on board, a lot of that stuff has really calmed down because I think the boys feel they have someone who not only understands them, but is one of them. I run this company, but I don’t consider myself one of the talents. I’m a talent in my music life, but I’m definitely not a talent in the locker room. There are those lines that exist between the office, talent and I think over time I think it’s best that those lines are kept as clean as possible.

“So, in Zicky’s case, yes. It got a little dumb and a little personal, but we worked it out and I look forward [to him] coming back to the NWA when it’s right. The fact he’s with IMPACT, of course, opens that door because there might be something there where we can do something with Scott and Zicky. So I look forward to that because he’s certainly a talented guy.”

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What do you make of Billy Corgan’s comments? Would you like to see Zicky Dice back in the NWA again at some point down the line? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.