WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results (8/8/22)

United States Championship Match: Bobby Lashley (c) vs. Ciampa w/The Miz

Ciampa comes to the ring wearing a Harley Race robe. Lashley and Ciampa trade shots. Delayed vertical suplex by Lashley. Ciampa chop blocks Lashley. Lashley lands a nasty back elbow. Lashley sets up a Spear. Ciampa rolls out of the ring. Lashley tries to drive Ciampa into the ring post but Miz stands in the way. Lashley throws Ciampa at Miz. After the break, Ciampa removes the turnbuckle padding.

Lashley fires up and hits the C4. Ciampa kicks out. Lashley tries a press into a front slam but Ciampa reverses it into a reverse DDT. Lashley kicks out. DDT by Ciampa. Lashley kicks out before the three count. Ciampa tries the Fairytale ending but Lashley escapes. Spear by Lashley. Miz puts Ciampa’s foot on the bottom rope. AJ Styles hopes the barricade and attacks Miz. Ciampa removes the rest of the turnbuckle cover.

Miz and Styles end up in the ring. In the confusion, Ciampa sends Lashley into the turnbuckle. Running knee by Ciampa. Lashley kicks out. Ciampa traps Lashley in the Gargano Escape. Lashley fights out of it. Ciampa lands Willow’s Bell. Lashley kicks out again. Lashley traps Ciampa in the Hurt Lock. Ciampa taps out.

Winner and STILL United States Champion, Bobby Lashley!

Omos vs. Local Talent

Omos wins. Quickly.

Winner- Omos

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