speedball mike bailey
Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling

New X Division Champion Crowned At Slammiversary 2022


Speedball Mike Bailey is the new X Division Champion, winning the Ultimate X match at Slammiversary.

Bailey climb the X structure and took down the title to win a match that also featured (now-former champion) Ace Austin, Trey Miguel, Kenny King, Andrew Everett and Alex Zayne.

This is the first championship win for Bailey in IMPACT Wrestling. Ace Austin’s third title reign ends at 52 days, as he defeated Trey Miguel for the title at Rebellion in April.

Check out a recap of the match from our coverage page:

Ultimate X match for the X-Division Championship
Ace Austin (c) vs. “Speedball” Mike Bailey vs. Trey Miguel vs. Kenny King vs. Alex Zayne vs. Andrew Everett

Austin hits Miguel with his cane. Everett and King climb up, but they get knocked down. Bailey dives onto Everett, and Zayne takes down others with a springboard moonsault. Bailey and Zayne climb on the ropes, but they get knocked down. Miguel dives onto King outside the ring. He kicks Austin , but the champion takes control and dives onto Bailey outside the ring. He blasts Zayne and Bailey with kicks. Miguel plants Austin with a neckbreaker on the apron. Everett suplexes Miguel onto the apron. Zayne sends Everett flying with a hurricanrana. Miguel climbs, but Zayne pulls him down and King plants him with a blockbuster.

Bailey uses the ropes to launch himself knee-first onto Zayne. “Speedball” nails Everett with a kick. Everyone battles on the turnbuckles, and they go crashing fown. Miguel stands tall and plants Zayne with a destroyer off the top rope. Miguel blasts Austin with a kick and climbs up. King meets him, and both Bailey and Austin climb too. All four men battle, and the latter duo knock their opponents down. Austin and Bailey hit each other, and Everett joins the fray. Bailey wraps his legs around Everett and sends him tumbling to the floor. Bailey knocks Austin down with some kicks, and he unhooks the title.

Winner and still IMPACT X-Division Champion: “Speedball” Mike Bailey

Read More: IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary Results (6/19): Josh Alexander vs. Eric Young, Ultimate X And More


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