aew forbidden door

Report: Andrade El Idolo And The Lucha Bros Not Scheduled For AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door

Some of AEW’s top stars might miss the AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door supershow.

On June 13, Andrade El Idolo tweeted that he can’t work for NJPW and “thanked” CMLL and AAA.

In an update, luchablog reports while Andrade had been booked for Forbidden Door, that is no longer the case. Plus, luchablog wrote that multiple sources have confirmed that The Lucha Brothers (Rey Femix and Penta Oscuro), will not be appearing on the show. All three men have competed for AAA in recent months, and Konnan responded to Andrade’s tweet by saying, “We have nothing to do with NJ. or CMLL arcane decisions.”

Luchablog cited deleted tweets from Andrade, in which he alleged that Konnan asked him to work dates and didn’t cancel when he was no longer needed, thus costing Andrade money in the process.

WrestleZone will provide more details as they become available.

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