WWE NXT 2.0Results
May 31, 2022
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com
Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT 2.0 Results (5/24/22)
Pretty Deadly vs. Damon Kemp and Rodrick Strong
After getting outwrestled, Strong slaps Kemp in the face. Kemp goes nuts and suplexes Prince all over the ring. Strong tags in and lays in a few strikes. Prince kicks Strong in his previously injured knee. Prince tags in Wilson, who drives Strong’s back into the ring apron. Prince and Wilson take turns working over Strong.
After the break, Kemp is being beaten down by Prince and Wilson. Kemp manages to tag in Strong, who destroys Prince and Wilson with multiple backbreakers and chops. Kemp is sent into the ring steps by Prince. Prince distracts the referee as Wilson tries to hit Strong with the NXT Tag Team Title. Julius Creed runs down to the ring and pushes Strong out of the way. Julius eats the title belt shot. In the confusion, Pretty Deadly hits Spilled Milk on Strong for the win.
Winners- Pretty Deadly
???#WWENXT @roderickstrong pic.twitter.com/IDDDBSNgWg
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) June 1, 2022
Backstage, Solo Sikoa tells Cameron Grimes he’s got his back tonight if Trick Williams tries anything. Sikoa tells Grimes to take care of business so he can get his shot at Grimes. Grimes promises. Duke Hudson walks in and says he should be next in line for the NXT Championship because he beat Bron Breakker last week. Sikoa says Hudson needed Joe Gacy’s help. Hudson says a newb like Sikoa would think that… but that’s mainly because Sikoa isn’t on his level. Sikoa challenges Duke to a match tonight.
"Quite frankly, you're not on my level." ?#WWENXT @sixftfiiiiive @WWESoloSikoa pic.twitter.com/DPoVp4bAEP
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) June 1, 2022
"Never trust a horse girl." – @GraysonWWE #WWENXT pic.twitter.com/Eu6QPpeS8p
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) June 1, 2022
The stakes are high this Saturday at #NXTIYH!#WWENXT @EscobarWWE @TonyDangeloWWE pic.twitter.com/wDkSc7HT72
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) June 1, 2022