AEW Dynamite April 20
Image Credit: AEW

AEW Dynamite Results (4/20/22)

In a video promo, Samoa Joe and Jay Lethal discuss Satnam Singh’s destructive debut and their showdown at Battle of the Belts II. Sonjay Dutt says Singh will carry on his greatness as an Indian wrestler. Singh says Joe’s time is coming.

Tony Khan comes out to make his huge announcement. The president of New Japan Pro-Wrestling comes to the stage and shakes Khan’s hand. Adam Cole interrupts and says he’s the one who should make the announcement. Cole announces that he’ll be facing Tomohiro Ishii in an Owen Hart Foundation Tournament qualifying match this week on AEW Rampage. He says that at the United Center on June 26, AEW and NJPW will team up to present the Forbidden Door pay-per-view.

Jay White then comes to the stage and says he single-handedly sold out the show the last time NJPW teamed up for a show like this. He says this isn’t about NJPW or AEW; it’s about the Undisputed Elite and the Bullet Club.

Backstage, TBS Champion Jade Cargill talks about her title match this week. Kiera Hogan and Red Velvet will be in the “Baddie” section. She then tells her opponent, Marina Shafir, that she’ll see her on Friday.

Match Three: Wardlow vs. The Butcher

MJF cuts a pre-match promo where he bashes Pittsburgh sports and calls Wardlow a “nobody.” He says that Wardlow must enter without any music, and he does. He’s still handcuffed until he gets to the ring. Wardlow and The Butcher trade blows, and the latter bites his opponents. Some headbutts in the corner give The Butcher the upper hand, but Wardlow fires back with a shoulder block. The fight spills to the outside, and The Butcher drives Wardlow into the barricade. Back in the ring, The Butcher powerbombs Wardlow, but the powerhouse kicks out at one. Wardlow powerbombs The Butcher four times for the victory.

Winner: Wardlow

After the match, the security guards cuff Wardlow again and escort him away.

Backstage, Eddie Kingston previews his match with Daniel Garcia on AEW Rampage. He tells Chris Jericho to watch closely; everything he does to Garcia, he’s going to do to Jericho, too. Kingston says by the time he’s done, Garcia’s family won’t recognize him.

Match Four: Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Qualifying Match: Kyle O’Reilly vs. Jungle Boy

O’Reilly and Jungle Boy feel each other out. Jungle Boy showcases his fast-paced offense. O’Reilly gains the upper hand with his technical expertise and a knee strike. He suplexes Jungle Boy twice and slams him to the mat. O’Reilly drives Jungle Boy into the corner and takes him down. He grounds the fan-favorite and wrenches him in an abdominal stretch. He shifts gears and locks in an arm-bar. Jungle Boy rallies and dumps O’Reilly to the outside. He follows his opponent by diving onto him. Jungle Boy floors O’Reilly with a lariat. O’Reilly hits a Dragon Screw inside the ropes, but Jungle Boy drops him with a rope-assisted DDT.

Jungle Boy suplexes O’Reilly over his head and into the turnbuckle. O’Reilly drills Jungle Boy with some kicks, but he weats a superkick. Jungle Boy gets a two fall with a pin attempt. O’Reilly traps Jungle Boy in an ankle lock, but the fan-favorite reverses it into the Snare Trap. O’Reilly hits a superplex, but Jungle Boy holds on for a pin attempt. O’Reilly hits a diving knee strike for the win.

Winner: Kyle O’Reilly

Backstage, MJF says The Butcher didn’t get the job done, but there’s plenty of money where that came from. He says a snake can take anybody down because all it takes is one bite. He turns to Jake Roberts and hands him an envelope, full of money. Roberts starts hyping up the match, but Lance Archer shows up and says he just wants to fight Wardlow.

HOOK vs. Anthony Henry

Tony Nese and “Smart” Mark Sterling are at ringside to watch HOOK’s Dynamite in-ring debut. HOOK quickly takes Henry down and wrenches his leg. He drills Henry with stiff strikes in the corner, slams him and throws him to the mat. HOOK drills Henry with a lariat and blasts him with some shots to the head. Danhausen shows up, trying to curse HOOK, but “The Handsome Devil” makes Henry tap out to the Redrum.

Winner: HOOK

After the match, Danhausen says if HOOK doesn’t want to be cursed by Danhausen, then he’ll fight him instead. HOOK walks away without saying anything.

Backstage, Frankie Kazarian gets interrupted by Scorpio Sky, who tells his former tag team partner that none of his success would be possible without him. Sky asks Kazarian to wait to challenge for the TNT Championship because he wants to do it himself. Once he wins the gold, he’ll give Kazarian the first shot. Kazarian says he’ll always have Sky’s back.

A video package recaps Thunder Rosa’s win over Nyla Rose at AEW Battle of the Belts II. She vows to keep proving that she’s one of the best in the world. With one defense behind her, she says it’s time to go “double or nothing.”

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