Austin Theory
Photo Credit: WWE

Theory Is Proud That Mr. McMahon Is Proud He Is Now WWE United States Champion

Theory is ready to hit the town and celebrate his WWE United States Championship victory.

Monday, April 18, 2022, is a day that Theory will remember forever as the day he captured his first championship in WWE. Theory defeated Finn Balor the capture the title and afterward, many of the heels in the WWE Raw locker room came out to congratulate Theory and parade him around as the new champion. After that, his night became even more legendary as Vince McMahon came out to congratulate the new WWE United States Champion and Theory took many selfies with Vince McMahon.

RELATED: WWE RAW Results (4/18/22)

In a WWE digital exclusive following the match, Austin Theory proclaimed that he is going to elevate the legacy of the WWE United States title even more by virtue of his title win.

“Typically, when you jump in my selfie and interrupt it, I would be upset,” Theory told Kevin Patrick. “But how can I be upset when I’m the brand new United States Champion? I feel a lot better than you do. I mean, look at that stupid tie and look at me. I’m the United States Champion. I could say it a million times, ‘All Day’ Theory is the brand new United States Champion. But you know, I’m not only proud of myself, I’m proud that Mr. McMahon is proud of me. I did everything that he told me, every lesson. I studied, I worked hard, and look what happened. Look what happened. Do you know the legacy of this? Do you know who is going to make the legacy of this even better? ‘All Day’ Theory.”

Austin Theory recently told WrestleZone that he is taking an “A to Z approach” to the top of WWE. Learn more here.

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