myron reed
Photo Credit: Dominic DeAngelo

Myron Reed On Tajiri’s Influence & His Third World Middleweight Title Reign

Myron Reed is living up to his “Hot Fiyah” moniker in Major League Wrestling. “The Young GOAT” is an unprecedented three-time MLW Champion and he recently spoke with Andrew Thompson of POST Wrestling about his development in MLW as a wrestler and top star.

“Man, I’m just happy that they’re [MLW] letting me grow each time man. I felt like each reign [World Middleweight Title reign] was something new for me to learn, something new for me to evolve with so, I’m looking at this as like a learning experience because when the time comes, the young goat’s trying to spread his wings.”

Myron just successfully defended his title against TJP on the most recent episode of MLW Fusion, but he only recently regained it from ECW legend Tajiri after losing it at MLW Fightland back in 2021. Thompson asked about his experience with the Japanese Buzzsaw and how much his work (and style) has influenced him.

“Man, I’m gonna tell you a little something. If you see my pants, the pants I’ve been wearing, go look at Tajiri’s pants and just think, there’s a lot of inspiration there bro so, that match [against Tajiri in MLW] was something huge. It was a lot bigger than what it probably felt like it was. It was big for me. It was a guy I got to watch on TV, I took inspiration from his pants and I’m like yo, I get to step in the same ring with this same guy I was watching when I was kid growing up so like, it’s surreal man.”

You can chec out the complete interview with Reed below:

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