myron reed
Photo Credit: Dominic DeAngelo

New MLW Middleweight Champion Crowned On 3/3 MLW Fusion


Major League Wrestling has a new Middleweight Champion in Myron Reed, who won the title on the March 3 episode of MLW Fusion. Reed won a four-way match against Tajiri, who was champion going into the match, Matt Cross and Bandido, who made his debut for the company.

A recap of this week’s main event of MLW Fusion is below:

Bandido vs. Myron Reed vs. Matt Cross vs. Tajiri (c)

Tajiri and Bandido kick both Reed and Cross out to fight with one another. The two men reach a stalemate. Reed and Cross soon get in to do the same. Myron gets in Matrix mode before dropkicking Matt out of the ring. Bandido slides in to duke it out. They go toe-to-toe center ring. A headscissors and heel kick downs Reed. Cross gets back in and tries to nail an impressive headscissors, but Bandido handsprings onto his feet! We head to a brief break! Back from it, Cross hits a springboard crossbody on Bandido for a near fall for two.

Tajiri begins a kicking clinic and a big target is Myron Reed. He cinches in the tarantula in the corner, but has to relent before the five count is reached. Tajiri goes for a Buzzsaw Kick, but Myron ducks and Bandido kicks Tajiri. Myron takes off his top gear to trade chops with Bandido and they are vicious. Bandido catches Reed in a one-handed press but Reed frees himself. Matt double stomps the back of Bandido, but the free agent absorbs it to roll Reed up for a near fall.

Bandido does an amazing feat next as he sets himself up in an electric chair position on Reed’s shoulders and beckons Cross to attack. Cross obliges and Bandido catches him for a fallaway slam as he hits a poisonrana in the process. Tajiri slides in to mist Myron once again, but Reed scouts it and Bandido gets caught in the crossfire! Cross seizes the opportunity as Reed shoves Tajiri out and downs both Reed and Bandido. Cross leaps off to nail Bandido with a shooting star press but Reed nails him with a Flame On cutter for the 1-2-3!

WINNER and NEW World Middleweight Champion: Myron Reed

Myron Reed’s title win makes him MLW’s first-ever three-time champion. Tajiri’s title reign ends at 111 days, dropping the title back to Reed after beating him (coincidentally also in a four-way match) at MLW Fightland in October 2021.

Check out full results from this week’s episode of MLW Fusion at this link.

Read More: Myron Reed Says Being Unique In Wrestling Is ‘A Must’


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