WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (2/7/22)

In-Ring Segment: Lita

Lita says she felt like she was home at the Royal Rumble. Lita says she has wanted this match with Becky Lynch for a long time. Lynch inturupts. Lynch notes that Lita was her idol when she was a kid and when she arrived in WWE, Lita was a great mentor. If there wasn’t a Lita there would be no Becky Lynch. Now that there is a Becky Lynch there can not be a Lita.

Lynch goes on a rant about how hurtful it is for her idol to want to take everything from her. Lynch is going to end Lita. Lita says she knows she’s the underdog but the fans will drive her to victory at the Chamber. Lynch attacks Lita and leaves her laying in the ring. Lynch comes back and tries a Manhandle Slam. Lita fights out of it and hits a Twist of Fate. Lita flattens Lynch with a Moonsault.

Backstage, Owens burst into Deville and Pearce’s office.  Deville is wearing an arm sling due to the beatdown she suffered on SmackDown from Ronda Rousey. Owens asks if they saw what he did to Theory. Now that he’s beaten Theory, they have to add him to the Chamber match. Peace and Deville say no. Deville tells Owens he may not even have a WrestleMania match. Owens goes off on a rant about how they can’t deprive Texas of his presence at WrestleMania. He loves Texas almost as much as they love him. Owens asks Deville and Pearce to think about it.

Liv Morgan vs. Doudrop

Morgan lands a flurry of offense. Doudrop explodes out of the corner with a crossbody block. Doudrop works over Morgan. After the break, Doudrop crushes Morgan with a senton. Morgan surprises Doudrop with a double springboard dropkick. Springboard codebreaker by Morgan. Doudrop kicks out. Morgan sets up a ranna. Doudrop reverses it into an electric chair facebuster. Doudrop lands a Vader Bomb for the win.

Winner- Doudrop

Riddle vs. Seth “Freaking” Rollins

Rollins lands a few strikes. Riddle traps Rollins in a triangle. Rollins escapes. Rollins runs right into a ranna that sends both men over the top. Riddle tries a PK but Rollins grabs his foot and pulls him into the powerbomb position. Rollins hits a powerbomb on the barricade. Rollins works over Riddle. Riddle ends up in the corner. Rollins lands a tree of woe double stomp for a near fall.

Riddle avoids a clothesline and lands an overhead kick, Riddle lands a series of flying elbows. Riddle counters a discus clothesline with an exploder. Rollins gets his knees up as Riddle tries a Broton. Riddle tosses Rollins out of the ring. Riddle lands a Floating Bro. Owens hops the barricade and attacks Riddle, causing a  disqualification.

Winner- Riddle

Randy Orton runs down to the ring and hits an RKO on Owens. Rollins and Orton get in each other’s faces.

RK-Bro vs. Seth “Freaking” Rollins and Kevin Owens

Rollins yells at Owens for not being on the apron. Owens says he just got RKO’d. Bro Jackson by Orton and Riddle. Owens gets a blind tag and superkicks Riddle. Owens works over Riddle. Riddle manages to tag in Orton. Orton lands powerslams on Owens and Rollins. Hangman’s DDT by  Orton. Rollins Stomps Riddle for the win.

Winners- Seth “Freaking” Rollins and Kevin Owens

After the match, Orton RKOs Owens.


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