TJP won his 2021 Opera Cup semifinals match against Calvin Tankman on the Thanksgiving episode of MLW Fusion, but it wasn’t without some controversy as he did have a little help.
The match saw Alex Kane make his presence felt, as he attacked Tankman while TJP had the referee’s attention on the floor. TJP went for a running attack but Tankman made a comeback by hitting him with The Pounce. TJP ultimately ripped a turnbuckle off of a post to prevent a powerslam, then Kane once again ran in while the ref was down and whipped Tankman into the exposed post. TJP hit a frog splash and made the cover for the win.
TJP then spoke with Alicia Atout after the match, and he said that he had nothing to be ashamed of and he thought the Philadelphia fans would appreciate his hard-fought win. He closed by saying you can do the job right when you do it yourself, and that delegating the work is a pretty tough job.
TJP will now face off with Davey Richards in the final round of the 2021 MLW Opera Cup, which airs on Wednesday, December 1.
TJP and Davey Rihchards have already faced off early this year on the September 22 episode of MLW Fusion ALPHA, which also served as Richards’ MLW debut. TJP picked that match as one of his picks for our Watch List feature; you can read his comments and check out the match at this link.
Read More: TJP On Fan Reception And Blurring The Lines In MLW: ‘There’s Magic To That’