WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE SmackDown Results (10/15/21)

Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch

Belair is out for commentary. Lynch and Banks trade pin attempts. Neither woman can keep the other for a three count. Lynch almost applies the Disarm-her. Banks almost turns it into the Bank Statement. Lynch escapes. Banks lands a double knee strike in the corner. Lynch catches Banks with a running bulldog. Banks kicks out. Banks fires up and lands the three amigos. Lynch kicks out. Lynch sends Banks into the ring post. Lynch puts Banks in the Disarm-her rising the rope. Banks it hung up in the rope.

Lynch lands a leg drop for a near fall. Lynch works over Banks. Banks manages to pull Lynch into the ring post. Banks smashes Lynch with a Meteora into the ring post. Banks lands another off the top. Lynch kicks out. Banks hits a backstabber. Lynch manages to roll out of the ring to avoid getting pinned. Banks tries a sunset flip bomb but Lynch turns it into a leg drop on the apron. Lynch dives off the top into the Bank Statement. Lynch taps but they are outside of the ring. Banks sends Lynch back into the ring. Frog splash by Banks.

Lynch kicks out. Banks lands double knees in the corner. Banks tries it again but Lynch turns it into a Bex-spolder into the corner. Irish Jam off the top by Lynch. Banks kicks out. Lynch accidentally clocks Belair outside the ring. Banks leaps off the commentary desk and knees Lynch in the face. Lynch crashes into the barricade. Both women end up back in the ring. Lynch traps Banks in an armbar. Banks turns it into a pin. Lynch kicks out. Lynch tries the Manhandle Slam. Banks turns it into a pin. Lynch kicks out. Belair tries to whip Lynch with her hair, but Lynch avoids it. In the confusion, Banks hits the backstabber for the win.

Winner- Sasha Banks

C0ntract Signing

Lesnar sits down and puts his feet up on the table in the ring. Reigns just stares daggers at Lesnar. Lesnar seemingly doesn’t have a care in the world. Reigns tells Heyman to review the contract. Heyman tells Reigns the contract has everything he asked for and his counsel is to sign the contract. Reigns does. Lesnar doesn’t even look at the contract. He just signs it and tosses it on the table. Reigns laughs and calls Lesnar a dumbass for not reading the contract before signing it. Lesnar laughs and says he read the contract this morning with his advocate, Paul Heyman. Reigns face drops. Lesnar laughs as he leaves the ring. Heyman clutches the Universal Championship as fear




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