WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT 2.0 Results (10/5/21)

Backstage, Gacy inturupts Ciampa. Gacy gives Ciampa crap for his comment about “balls”. Gacy wants to be included in the opportunity to challenge Ciampa at Halloween Havoc. Ciampa tells Gacy if he can beat him next week, Ciampa will get him added to the match. Gacy tries to hug Ciampa. Ciampa stiff-arms him. Ciampa tells Gacy next week the ring will not be a safe space.

Pete Dunne w/Ridge Holland vs. Cameron Grimes

During the match, Kyle O’Reilly attacks holland outside the ring. Grimes attempts the Cave In but Dunne drops him on the top rope. Dunne hits the Bitter End for the win.

Winner- Pete Dunne

After the match, O’Reilly tackles Dunne and Holland. Dunne and Holland leave O’Reilly laying.

At the studio, Swerve Scott says since Escobar questioned his manhood Swere accepts his challenge. After that, the only way Escobar will see the North American Championship is on Friday Night.

Malik Blade Tony D’Angelo

D’Angelo locks in a side headlock. Blade tries to escape but D’Angelo refuses to let go. Blade eventually sends D’Angelo into the ropes. D’Angelo floors Blade with a shoulder block. Blade tries a crossbody but D’Angelo catches him in the air and hits a rib breaker. Blade tries to fire up but D’Angelo floors him with a right hand. D’Angelo double legs Blade and gets a near fall. Blade lands a few strikes. High crossbody by Blade. D’Angelo kicks out. D’Angelo begs off. D’Angelo trips Blade into the corner. Belly-to-belly by D’Angelo. D’Angelo hits theMoss-Covered Three-Handled Family Gradunza for the win.

Winner- Tony D’Angelo

WWE NXT 2.0 Results Continue On The Next Page!


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