Jonathan Gresham is expanding his quest to “purify” Ring of Honor, as “The Octopus” has officially entered the ROH World Championship Division.
In a video shared on the ROH YouTube page, Gresham crashed an interview with the man who dethroned him as the ROH Pure Champion, Josh Woods. Gresham stated that he’s happy Woods is the one who defeated him because he knows “The Technical Beast” will carry on his mission. With that in mind, Gresham declared that he’s moving into the World Championship Division because he believes winning the title will allow him to purify ROH to its foundation.
“Everything that I fought for to bring the Pure Championship back, to bring this division back, it means the world to me,” said Gresham. “I now feel confident that [Woods] will continue things the way that I did. So that brings me to this. What I want the entire world to hear.
“As of today, I’m officially submitting my request to leave the Ring of Honor Pure Championship Division. I am now entering the Ring of Honor World Championship Division. With the World Championship I know comes influence. With that influence, I will finally fulfill my destiny by purifying this company.”
Gresham then stated that The Foundation still needs more pure wrestlers in pursuit of its mission. He extended his hand, and Woods shook it before he said, “I am The Foundation,” seemingly joining forces with Gresham’s group.