WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (9/27/21)

Angel Garza w/Humberto Carrillo vs. Erik w/Ivar

After a distraction from Carrillo, Garza hits the Wing Clipper for the win.

Winner- Angel Garza

24/7 Championship Match: Reggie (c) vs. Ricochet

Ricochet front flips over Reggie. Reggie flips over Ricochet. Reggie and Ricochet backflip over each other. The 24/7 field is in the crowd watching the match. Ricochet lands a dive. Maverick tells R-Truth and Gulak to attack to cause a disqualification.

No contest

Now that the match is over, the 24/7 rules are back in effect. Reggie sneaks away. Maverick calls someone on a walkie. Tozawa runs down to the ring. Reggie floors Tozawa with a corkscrew splash. Reggie runs to the backstage area.

After the break, Tozawa is still in the ring. Tozawa demands a match. Keith “Bearcat” Lee answers the challenge.

Keith “BEARCAT” Lee vs. Tozawa

Lee clotheslines Tozawa out of his boots. Lee launches Tozawa clear across the ring. Lee is all business tonight. Lee hits the Big Bang Catastrophe for the win.

Winner- Keith Lee

Backstage, Big E says it doesn’t matter if Alexander and Benjamin get involved, Big E is going to destroy Lashley. Big E promises to walk out of the cage as the WWE Champion.

United States Championship Match: Damian Priest (c) vs. Sheamus

Priest sends Sheamus into the corner. Priest lands the broken arrow. The fight spills to the outside area. Priest lands a boot that sends Sheamus careening over the stairs. Priest sets up a table. Sheamus clubs Priest from behind. Priest counters the ten beats of the Bodhran. Sheamus hits white noise off the apron through a table. After the break, Sheamus sets up a table in the corner.

Sheamus dives off the top and Priest clocks him with a kendo stick. Priest beats Sheamus out of the ring. Priest lands a stage dive that sends Sheamus into the barricade. Sheamus pushes Priest into the ring post. Sheamus sends Priest into a chair set up in the corner. Sheamus calls for the Brogue Kick. Priest tosses a chair in Sheamus’ face to avoid it. Priest lands south of heaven. Sheamus kicks out.


Priest sets up a springboard. Sheamus tries to counter with a Brogue Kick but Priest holds on to the ropes. Priest floors Sheamus with a clothesline. Sheamus lands a pump knee. After a series of reversals Priest sends Sheamus into the table. Priest hits the Reckoning for the win.

Winner and STILL United States Champion, Damian Priest!


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