Roman Reigns vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Big E
Reigns watches as Big E and Lashley tear into each other. Reigns tries to attack Big E but Big E runs over him. Big E hits a nasty splash on the apron to Lashley. Before Big E can take advantage, Reigns hits the drive-by out of nowhere. After the break, Big E leaps over Lashley with a leapfrog. Back elbow by Lashley. Lashley traps Lashley in an abdominal stretch. Reigns breaks it up with an uppercut. Reigns clotheslines Lashley over the top rope. Leaping clothesline by Reigns to Big E.
Big E kicks out at two. Reigns tries a drive-by on Lashley but Lashley counters by clotheslining Reigns out of the air. Lashley runs into a uranage by Big E. Lashley kicks out. Big E spears Reigns in the corner. Big E hits the ropes and runs right into a Samoan drop by Reigns. Big E kicks out. Big E rolls out of the ring. Reigns clobbers Lashley with clothesline after clothesline in the corner. Reigns sits Lashley on the top rope. Lashley pushes Reigns off the top. Reigns responds with an uppercut. Reigns sets up a superplex. Big E rushes in and powerbombs Reigns and Lashley off the top.
After the break, Reigns tries a clothesline in the corner but Big E catches Reigns and hits a suplex. Big E lands a few more suplexes. Big E tries a running splash but Lashley pulls Big E out of the ring and tosses him into the barricade. Lashley gets back in the ring and drops Reigns with the complete shot. Lashley lifts Reigns up and hits a delayed verticle suplex. Big E takes out Reigns and Lashley. Reigns lines up Reigns and Lashley next to each other. Big flattens both men with a running splash. Big E pins Lashley but Lashley kicks out. Lashley destroys Big E with a spinebuster. Reigns pushes Lashley out of the ring and tries to pin Big E. Big E kicks out at 2.9. Reigns calls for the Superman punch. Big E avoids it and blasts Reigns with the Big Ending.
Big E pins Reigns but Lashley pulls Big E out of the ring. Lashley spinebusters Big E through the announce desk. Lashley sets up a Spear. Reigns counters with a Superman Punch. Kick out by Lashley. Reigns calls for his version of the Spear. Lashley Spears Reigns first. Big E Breaks up Lashley’s Pin. Big E spears Reigns through the ropes. Reigns hits the Big Ending on Reigns again. Big E goes for the pin. Lashley hits Big E with a chair to break up the pin. Lashley hits Big E over and over again. Lashley turns around and gets Speared by Reigns. Reigns pins Lashley.
Winner- Roman Reigns
— WWE (@WWE) September 21, 2021
— WWE (@WWE) September 21, 2021
— WWE (@WWE) September 21, 2021
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