Joe Koff - Ring Of Honor
Photo Credit: Ring Of Honor

ROH COO Joe Koff Highlights ROH’s Integrity And Authenticity As Keys Of The Promotion’s Staying Power

Ring of Honor Best in the World is set to kick off a new chapter in the promotion’s illustrious history. At the event, live fans will be in the crowd for the first time since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the promotion will aim to prove that it truly offers the best wrestling in the world.

As exciting as the show will be, many fans still remember how ROH has faced countless obstacles. For years, the company’s top stars have left the company to sign elsewhere; Cody Rhodes and The Young Bucks, along with other notable names, departed in order to create All Elite Wrestling. That being said, ROH is still going strong, as it still draws a passionate fan base and features talented wrestlers.

During an interview with Liam Alexander-Stewart of Inside The Ropes, ROH COO Joe Koff credited the promotion’s integrity and authenticity as two vital aspects of its staying power throughout numerous setbacks.

“I think it’s the integrity of the promotion,” said Koff. “I think it’s the authenticity of the promotion. I think it’s the artistry of the promotion and I think it’s the belief that what we do and how we do it is something that’s worth following. You know, there’s no style of wrestling that’s out there that I think really is like a Ring of Honor.

Koff also emphasized the company’s consistent drive to innovate, and its track record for doing so, as another element of this success.  For example, he pointed to the ROH Pure Championship Tournament that helped the promotion relaunch after a brief hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We did it out of necessity because that’s what we were faced with but out of necessity comes great innovation and the one thing about Ring of Honor is we are always innovating and never imitating,” said Koff. “I think that has existed from the beginning. It’s always been a promotion that has pushed the professional athletes expectation to the fans, the fans expectation to the athlete and together it makes this wonderful moment which I think is it’s hard to explain, but people realize that when they’re part of it and we’re a promotion, that people can be a part of it.”

Ahead of ROH Best in the World, Koff fittingly made it clear that the company, perhaps more than its fellow promotions, cares about its fans’ opinions and tries to give the people what they want.

“We really do care what the fans have to say,” said Koff. “I mean, Choose Your Honor, is a classic example. A lot of the matches that you see on our program and a lot of the storylines actually come from the fans because, look, without the fans, you have nothing.”

RELATED: ROH COO Joe Koff Hints That Best in the World Will Offer Some Surprises, Looks Forward To Live Fans’ Return


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